Warren Community Triathlon
Event Details
Saturday, 28 Mar 2020
8.00am - 12.00noon
Warren Memorial Swimming Pool, Stafford Street, Warren
Audrey Weston or Milton Quigley or Skye tyrwhitt
0408690954 or 0427473152 or 0427783875

Mini - 9am - 100m swim, 2km cycle, 900m run (individual event only)
Short Course - 9.20am - 200m swim, 14km cycle, 1.8km run (individual and teams event)
Long Course - 9.45am - 400m swm, 21km cycle, 4.5km run (individual and teams event)
Entry fee - $10 per person per event.
Fees and forms must be received by close of business on Wednesday 25th March 2020.
Forms available below. Either scan and email to warrentriclub@yahoo.com or post to Warren Triathlon Club PO Box 49 Warren NSW 2824. Fees can be paid via cheque and posted with form or EFT to Warren Triathlon Club.
For more information contact Audrey Weston, Skye Tyrwhitt or Milton Quigley.
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