Notice of Proposed Development
In accordance with Council’s Community Awareness Development Policy, advice is given that the following Development Application has been received:
Application No: P16-23.19
Property: Lot 35, DP655443
15 Johns Ave
Proposal: The proposed development is for a transportable dwelling.
Comments: Written comments regarding the above development are invited and will be received until 4.30pm, being close of business Thursday 23rd November 2023.
Enquiries regarding the above Development Application may be referred to Maryanne Stephens, Manager Health & Development Services, on 6847 6600.
Notice of Proposed Development
In accordance with Council’s Community Awareness Development Policy, advice is given that the following Development Application has been received:
Application No: P16-23.20
Property: Lot 1, DP121941
17 Johns Ave
Proposal: The proposed development is for a transportable dwelling.
Comments: Written comments regarding the above development are invited and will be received until 4.30pm, being close of business Thursday 23rd November 2023.
Enquiries regarding the above Development Application may be referred to Maryanne Stephens, Manager Health & Development Services, on 6847 6600.