
Council has four wards and elects 12 Councillors. They meet 11 times a year, being the fourth Thursday of the month, with the exception of November and December. There is no November meeting, but an early December meeting. The meetings start at 8.30am in Council's Chambers, 115 Dubbo Street Warren and all meetings are open to the public to observe.

Back Row: Councillor Pauline Serdity, Councillor David Cleasby, Councillor Dirk McCloskey and Councillor Sarah Derrett (Deputy Mayor), Councillor Penny Heuston and Councillor Mark Kelly.

Front Row: Councillor Noel Kinsey, Councillor Greg Whiteley (Mayor), Councillor Tony Wass, Councillor Bob McKay and Councillor Ros Jackson.  Currently missing Councillor Andrew Brewer from photo.

Details of Warren Shire Councillor Disclosures

To search and view current disclosures lodged by Warren Shire Councillors follow the link to the NSW Electoral Commission website 

Disclosures by Councillors and Designated Persons Returns are held by Council and can be viewed at Council's Office 115 Dubbo Street, Warren during business hours.

The elected Councillors for Warren Shire are:

  • Mayor Greg Whiteley
    Mayor Greg Whiteley

    Cr. Greg Whiteley

    Councillor Whiteley has been a Councillor with Warren Shire Council from 2021.

    At the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Thursday, 10th October 2024, Councillor Greg Whiteley was elected to the position of Mayor unopposed. 

    Representative on the following Committees of Council:

    • Economic Development & Promotions Committee
    • Warren Sporting Facilities Committee
    • Roads Committee
    • Plant Committee
    • Delegate to the Murray Darling Association Region 10
    • Delegate to the Macquarie River Flood Mitigation Zone Reference Group
    • Delegate to the Castlereagh Macquarie County Council
    • Alliance of Western Councils or other Collaboration Entity
    • Country Mayors Association
    • Rural Fire Service North West Zone Service Level Agreement Liaison Committee