The Toyota Tour de OROC 2022 - Dinner and Charity Auction
Event Details
Friday, 25 Mar 2022 - Friday, 25 Mar 2022
5.30pm - 11.00pm
Window on the Wetlands Centre, 1 Coonamble Road, Warren

Tour de OROC 2022 Dinner & Charity Auction
The Toyota Tour de OROC, run by the Rotary Club of Dubbo South, is a challenging 6-day biennial bicycle ride created in 2013 to raise funds for Macquarie Home Stay.
After many years of community fundraising, the first stage of Macquarie Home Stay was opened on 29 January 2019. More funds are needed though to develop further stages of the facility.
Macquarie Home Stay is based in Dubbo but services people throughout the entire Orana Region. More than 50 per cent of admissions to Dubbo Hospital come from outside of Dubbo and Macquarie Home Stay is a crucial facility to give patients and their loved ones a home away from home during their stay. The facility provides affordable accommodation for people in the region in a range of circumstances. From pregnant ladies through to extended treatments and emergency situations and everywhere in between.
The 2022 version of the Toyota Tour de OROC will run from 21-26 March 2022 and see up to 30 dedicated riders and their support crew travel over 1,100km around the Orana Region in support of the Macquarie Home Stay.
The first day pushes off from Mudgee on Monday 21 March with a lunch break at Mendooran followed by an overnight stay in Armatree.
Day 2 continues up the Castlereagh Highway with a lunch stop in Coonamble followed by an overnight stay in Walgett.
Day 3 head due West along the Kamilaroi Highway to Brewarrina for lunch then on to Bourke by the end of the day.
Day 4 they travel South on The Kidman Way direct from Bourke to arrive in Cobar.
Day 5 starts with a target of lunch with the Big Bogan in Nyngan before arriving at Warren with the riders expected to arrive at Macquarie Toyota at 5.30pm Friday 25 March 2022.
The last day, Saturday 26 March, will witness riders eating lunch at the Glenn McGrath statue in Narromine followed by the relatively short ride into Macquarie Home Stay in Dubbo where the tired riders will be greeted by family and friends and supporters.
On the night of Friday 25 March 2022 a special dinner and charity auction will be held at the Window on the Wetlands Centre, 1 Coonamble Road, Warren commencing at 6.30pm. The night will be supported by the Rotary Club of Warren and Warren Shire Council and will involve a keynote speaker and a charity auction in support of the Macquarie Home Stay. The meal will be provided by Warren local Glen Darcy from Indigichef costing $35.00 per head plus drinks (beer, wine and soft drinks). RiverSmart Australia Limited will look after the bar and it should be a good night rounded off by a wonderful auction by Trevor Wilson from Nutrien Harcourts, Warren.
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