Black Dog Ride 2023
Event Details
Sunday, 19 Mar 2023
12.00noon - 3.00pm
Collie Hotel
Wayne Amor

The Dubbo Black Dog Ride will be heading to Collie Hotel for our annual 1 Dayer this year on Sunday 19th March.
We will be calling in to the Narromine Car Club Show 'n Shine on the way from approx. 10:00 to 11:00AM.
When we get to Collie at 12:00PM, we will have raffles, entertainment, an auction and most importantly, a community lunch with these available:
*Wood fired pizza
*Camp oven fare
*Tradies in Sight Pulled Pork gravy & slaw rolls and
*Saltbush Lamb & gravy rolls.
Please come along and support the riders, or at very least give them a wave if you see them on the road. Thank you.
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