Upgrade updates - January 2022
27 January 2022

Funding has now been secured within Council to complete several improvement projects across the Shire. These projects include:
- Construction and fit-out of the new terminal building and finalisation of drainage structures at Warren Airport;
- Construction of the Warren CBD amenities facility;
- Upgrades to the roof and guttering at the Warren Sporting and Cultural Centre; and
- Construction of the Lion’s Park unisex ambulant amenities with additional fund contributions from Aubrey Dinsdale’s bequeath to Council, the Murray Darling Basin Economic Development – Improvement of Regional Structures Grant and the Warren Lions Club.
Village enhancements across the Shire are continuing, with nearly all the kerb, guttering and footpath works in Nevertire complete. The Nevertire community will also enjoy improvements to the Noel Waters Oval with construction of a new amenities block, a new electric BBQ and play equipment for the Nevertire Community Park soon to be installed. Further kerb, guttering and footpath works are scheduled for Warren in the coming months.
Following the recent heavy rainfall, emergency works at the Warren Levee to install 1,200 tonnes of Mt Foster Quarry rock is now complete. Council is continuing to pursue funding to enable additional rehabilitation work and recently met with a National Recovery and Resilience representative to review levee repairs and improved disaster preparation.
Image credit: Steven Christian