The Home Stretch
27 January 2022

More projects are off and racing as work continues to upgrade the Warren Showground Racecourse facilities.
Funded through the NSW Government’s Showground Stimulus Funding Program, Phase 2C a number of improvement projects commenced in January, including the installation of a new septic tank for the Main Pavilion amenities, renovation to the men’s amenities in the Main Pavilion and installation of a new septic tank with a grease trap for the canteen waste in the Centre Arena.
Other projects also underway include refurbishment of the Grandstand including painting, new ceiling tiles, construction of a unisex disabled access toilet and full renovation of the male and female toilets in the GBS Falkiner Lounge. New floor tiles and carpet have also been ordered for the lounge area. These upgrades are funded through the Australian Government’s Murray-Darling Basin Economic Development Program – Round 3.
These upgrades continue to improve the Warren Showground Racecourse for the many groups who use the facilities and create a wonderful asset for the Warren Shire community.