Roads, restoration and reclassifications
03 February 2022

Regional Road Reclassification
Warren Shire Council is championing to have a number of Shire roads reclassified to be included for review as part of the NSW Government’s road classification framework. This reclassification aims to see these roads transferred back to the NSW Government to ensure increased funding for maintenance and improvements.
With the NSW Government handing over Regional Roads to Council’s in 1995, the limited funding and access to grants has meant this road network has been difficult to maintain.
Council is looking to reverse this situation to improve our Regional Roads across the Shire with a focus on the Inland Flatland Route which consists of SR91 Industrial Access Road, part of SR58 Nevertire – Bogan Road and SR59 Tottenham Road reclassified as Regional Roads and transferred back to the ownership of the NSW Government together with our existing six Regional Roads RR202 Marthaguy Road, RR333 Carinda Road, RR347 Collie-Trangie Road, RR424 Marra Road, RR7515 Warren Road and RR7516 Billybingbone Road.
Flood and Storm Damage Restoration
Following the floods in early 2021, Council’s March 2021 Flood and Storm Damage Roads Emergency Works Program has been approved by Transport for NSW. The program amounts to just under $462,000 and Council is hoping to soon be reimbursed its costs for these works, minus the required $35,370 Council contribution.
The further draft of the March 2021 Flood and Storm Damage Full Roads Restoration Program has been developed by Built Environment Collective (BEC) with work estimated just over $5,051,000. BEC is reviewing the plan to ensure all works have been included, then an application will be lodged with Transport NSW for consideration.
In addition, Council has undertaken a complete inspection of its road network and from this has commenced emergency road restoration works from the November/December 2021 Flood and Storm Damage event. An assessment is also underway to determine the required Full Roads Restoration Program from the floods late last year.
Council is also submitting an application to the Public Works Advisory for reimbursement of Council’s emergency works costs on non-road assets affected by these floods, such as the Warren Levee and stormwater systems. The application will claim $196,337, minus the $36,330 as Council's contribution.
Road maintenance and construction program
Construction for Ellengerah Road throughout March and April.
Grader crews will be carrying out emergency flood and storm damage repair works until the end of April. Initial roads listed for emergency works include:
- Oxley Road
- Catons Road
- Duffity Road
- Gillendoon Road
- Gradgery Lane
- Cullemburrawang Road
- Rothsay Road
- Castlebar Road
- Pleasant View Lane
- Yungundi Road
- Merrigal Road
- Boss’ Lane
- Christies Lane
- Oakley Road
- Elsinore Road
- Buddabadah Road
- Pineclump Soldiers Road
- Kiameron Road
- Cremorne Road
- Radnedge Road
Road maintenance works may be subject to change with any inclement weather.