Roads Report: May 2024
31 May 2024

Heavy patching works on the Oxley Highway have now been completed under the Road Maintenance Council Contracts (RMCC), with Fulton Hogan applying the final seal to the patches.
Resealing works under the RMCC will also be completed shortly for the Resealing Program 2023-2024 on the Oxley Highway, covering a total of 16.975km of road.
Also under RMCC, the mixing and stabilization of the first kilometre of the Oxley Highway’s Milawa Project (Segment 250) has been completed. The entire project length is 3.65km.
Road works have now commenced on the Shire Road 58 Nevertire-Bogan Road reconstruction project, which will see 8km of road upgraded, widened and rehabilitated. Culvert widening has been completed.
Crack sealing on Warren Road, guard rail replacement on Carinda Road and Old Warren Road, and culvert renewal works on Marthaguy Road will also begin shortly. These works are expected to be completed by the end of June 2024.
Other routine maintenance works are also ongoing, including the grading of Gradgery Lane.