Roads Report: March 2024
04 April 2024

During March 2024, work has been ongoing on the Oxley Highway under the Road Maintenance Council Contracts (RMCC). Crews have completed all the scoped heavy patching work on the Nevertire side, and are now progressing well from Collie towards Warren.
Repairs are ongoing for damage caused by the March 2021 flooding event, with crews currently working on Notts Lane.
Council’s pothole patching crew has also been working across several roads, including the Oxley Highway, Marthaguy Road, Carinda Road and Collie-Trangie Road.
In addition, flood restoration and maintenance work has recently been completed on Retreat Road, Hatton Lane, Gibson Way and Billybingbone Road.
Slashing has been completed on the Oxley Highway, Collie-Trangie Road, Wambianna Road and Industrial Access Road.
Future planned work includes the continuation of heavy patching on the Oxley Highway, rehabilitation of Nevertire-Bogan Road, and maintenance grading.