Roads Report - February 2024
29 February 2024

During February 2024, major flood restoration work commenced on RR7516 Billybingbone Road, SR36 Gibson Way, SR16 Notts Lane, and SR17 Lamps Road.
Heavy patching work is also in progress on SH11 Oxley Highway, and to date, 20 patches out of 52 have been completed. The final scope of work for Nevertire-Bogan Road has been concluded, entailing the repair of several damaged culverts, tree trimming and the rehabilitation of road infrastructure.
Pothole repairs have been conducted on RR202 Marthaguy Road, RR347 Collie-Trangie Road, RR333 Carinda Road and SH11 Oxley Highway.
Slashing operations have been completed on SH11 Oxley Highway, SR66 Wambianna Road, and RR347 Collie-Trangie Road.
Routine safety inspections by RMCC, including guideposts and slashing, are scheduled for Regional Roads and the Oxley Highway.
Additionally, a new traffic counter will be installed on Buckinguy Road (SR-5). The inspection program for both regional and local roads is currently underway.