Road Report - May 2022
27 May 2022

The 2021/2022 Roads Construction program is nearing completion, with the majority of works in recent months focusing on road grading, patching and emergency repairs due to the ongoing wet weather conditions.
Recently completed works include:
Grading: Tabratong Lane and Cremorne Road.
Rehabilitation: Ellengerah Road (Segments 24 and 26).
Floodway Repair: Duffity Road.
Patching and Repair: Collie-Trangie Road, Carinda Road, Warren Town Road, Ellengerah Road, private works, Marthaguy Road and Warren Road.
Road Maintenance and Construction Schedule
Upcoming maintenance grading works scheduled for June 2022 include:
Grader Crew 1
- Cathundral-Bogan Rd
- Tyrie Rd
- Dandeloo Rd
Grader Crew 2
- Kianga-Marebone Rd
- Old Warren Rd
Grader Crew 3
- Hatton Rd
- Rothsay Rd
Grader Crew 4
- Duffity Rd
- Ringorah Rd
Road maintenance works may be subject to change with any inclement weather.
Capital Works in Progress
- Construction for Ellengerah Road Segments 22, 24 and 26 are nearing completion with prime seal applied for all three segments, and Segments 24 and 26 currently awaiting a final seal. This $1.7M project is jointly funded with $698,771 from Fixing Local Roads Round 2, $174,693 in Council Contribution, $211,587 Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program Phase 2 and $634,762 from Fixing Local Roads Round 3.
- Construction on Old Warren Road Segments 26 and 28 are practically complete with final seal now finished. Further works are subject to a variation request. This $1.6M project is jointly funded with $1,259,960 from Fixing Local Roads Program Round 3, $296,147 from Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program Phase 2, and $123,840 Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program Phase 3.
- Rehabilitation to the Collie-Trangie Road Regional Road No.347 (Segment 14) is now practically complete, apart from a final seal on the last 3 kms. This work is funded through unspent 2020/21 Transport for NSW’s REPAIR Grant.
- Warren kerb and gutter replacement across multiple streets is scheduled for completion in June 2022.
All works listed are in addition to the regular maintenance, patching, edge repairs, slashing and mowing works carried out across all Council facilities.