Road Report - February 2023
22 February 2023

Recent Works
Grading Floodwork: Kiameron Road and Gradgery Lane.
Highway Patching Floodwork: Ellengerah Road.
Construction: Old Warren Road.
Flood Repair: Wonbobbie Road, Cullemburrawang Road and Hatton Road
Patching: Town kerb and gutter, Ellengerah Road, Wambianna Road, Marthaguy Road, Bundemar Road and Carinda Road.
Clean Up Former Temporary Waste Facility: Old cattle yards.
Slashing: Tottenham Road, Nevertire-Bogan Road, Carinda Road, Lemongrove Road and Buckiinguy Road.
Road Maintenance and Construction Schedule
Upcoming maintenance grading and rehabilitation works scheduled for March 2023 include:
- Armatree Road, Christies Lane, Old Warren Road, Collie-Trangie Road, Pigeonbah Road, Merrigal Road, Carinda Road and Gibson Way.
Capital Works in Progress
- Construction of Segment 30 of Old Warren Road is ongoing, funded by variations of Fixing Local Roads Round 3 funding after cost savings.
- Investigation and design work for CBD Improvement Program.
- Warren Road reconstruction, including new culverts, widening of the road, and pavement rehabilitation. Culverts have been ordered and tendering for culvert installation is ongoing.
- Rehabilitation of Segment 18 of Collie-Trangie Road funded by the REPAIR Program 2022/2023.
- Gravel re-sheeting of Old Warren Road is ongoing.
- Reseals of local roads and town streets to be completed by the end of March 2023.
- Replacement of Newe Park Bridge and Marthaguy Creek Bridge under the Bridges Renewal Program. Currently awaiting additional funding from the NSW Government’s Fixing Country Roads Grant.