Road Report - August 2023
25 August 2023

Recent Works
Flood restoration and patching: Marthaguy Road.
Grading: Oxley Road, Hatton Lane, Hatton Road, Pleasant View Lane and Marthaguy Road.
Flood damage works: Nellievale Road, Billybingbone Road.
Patching: Oxley Highway, Warren Road, Marthaguy Road, Udora Road, Collie Trangie Road, Wambianna Road, Nevertire-Bogan Road, Tottenham Road and Carinda Road.
Slashing: Ellengerah Road and Old Warren Road.
Road Maintenance and Construction Schedule
Upcoming maintenance and rehabilitation works include:
- Marthaguy Road, Kianga-Marebone Road, Warren Road, Pleasant View Lane, Oakley Road, Pineclump Soldiers Road and Carinda Road.
Capital Works in Progress
- Investigation and design work for CBD Improvement Program is nearing completion.
- Warren Road reconstruction, including new culverts, widening of the road, and pavement rehabilitation. Culvert installation has been completed. Toucan Pit Material available, with pavement works to commence in the last week of August 2023.
- Quotations being sought for Gunningba Estate Stage 3 investigation and design work.
- Awaiting approval from NSW State Government Budget for Block Grant and REPAIR program for road works on Marthaguy Road.
- Gravel re-sheeting of priority roads including Old Warren Road, Gradgery Lane, Colane Road and Buddabadah Road. Gradgery Lane is now complete.
- Replacement of Newe Park Bridge and Marthaguy Creek Bridge under the Bridges Renewal Program and the NSW Government’s Fixing Country Roads Grant. Design of Marthaguy Creek bridge occurring on a new alignment to remove the need for power pole relocation and land acquisition. However, the height of the power cable crossing the proposed alignment will need to be improved to ensure compliance.
- Footpath replacement works and kerb and gutter renewal works have commenced.
- Dragon Cowal on Merrigal Road works are underway. Two corrugated plastic culverts have been replaced with six new reinforced concrete pipe culverts. The integrated headwalls and concrete causeway now under construction.
- Rural Sealed Roads Reseals (Roads to Recovery) and Urban Sealed Roads Reseals (Roads to Recovery) programs are being formulated.
- Dubbo and Stafford Streets asphalt resurfacing has been completed, with painted line marking expected to be undertaken on 29 August 2023.