Road Report - April 2022
02 May 2022

The 2021/2022 Roads Construction program is nearing completion, with the majority of works in recent months focusing on road grading, patching and repair due to the ongoing wet weather conditions.
Recently completed works include:
Grading: Elsinore Road, Mullengudgery Road, Wonbobbie Road, Castlebar Road, Cullemburrawang Way, Duffity Road, Gradery Road, Oxley Road, Canonbar Road and Tabratong Lane.
Heavy patching and rehabilitation: Ellengerah Road (to continue with a final bitumen seal throughout May 2022).
Patching and repair: Carinda Road, Marthaguy Road, Gradery Lane, Stephens Avenue and Buckiinguy Road.
Road maintenance and construction schedule
Upcoming maintenance grading works scheduled for May 2022 include:
- Oakley Road
- Pleasant View Lane
- Pineclump Soldiers Road
- Oxley Road
- Gillendoon Road
- Rothsay Road
- Yungundi Road
- Merrigal Road
- Boss's Lane
- Christies Lane
- Kiameron Road
- Radnedge Road
- Duffity Lane
Road maintenance works may be subject to change with any inclement weather.
Capital Works in Progress
- Construction for Ellengerah Road Segments 22, 24 and 26 are in progress with prime seal applied for Segment 22. This $1.7M project is jointly funded with $698,771 from Fixing Local Roads Round 2, $174,693 in Council Contribution, $211,587 Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program Phase 2 and $634,762 from Fixing Local Roads Round 3.
- Construction on Old Warren Road Segments 26 and 28 are practically complete with final seal now finished. This $1.6M project is jointly funded with $1,259,960 from Fixing Local Roads Program Round 3, $296,147 from Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program Phase 2, and $123,840 Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program Phase 3.
- Rehabilitation to the Collie-Trangie Road Regional Road No.347 (Segment 14) is now practically complete. This work is funded through unspent 2020/21 Transport for NSW’s REPAIR Grant.
- The $800,000 rehabilitation to the Collie-Trangie Road Regional Road No.347 (Segment 16) is now complete to prime seal stage. The project is funded with $400,000 under Transport for NSW’s REPAIR Program and $400,000 under the 2021/2022 Regional Roads Block Grant.
- Remarking of school zones has taken place from January to April.
- Warren kerb and gutter replacement on across multiple streets is scheduled for completion in May 2022.
All works listed are in addition to the regular maintenance, patching, edge repairs, slashing and mowing works carried out across all Council facilities.
Grant applications
Council is awaiting responses for the following grant applications:
- Rehabilitation of Warren Road, Regional Road 7515 – Consultation has been ongoing with the Federal Government, Infrastructure NSW, Transport NSW and Coonamble Shire Council representatives to progress a new scope of works and additional funding. Council has also made representations to the local member on this issue.
- Application for $1,255,400 to the Federal Road Safety Program Tranche 4 and 5 for shoulder widening and line marking on RR333 Carinda Road.
- $800,000 to REPAIR Program 2022/23 for rehabilitation of Collie-Trangie Road, Segment 18.
- $800,000 to REPAIR Program 2022/23 for rehabilitation of Carinda Road, Segment 14.
- $15,940,800 for the sealing of Gibson Way, from the boundary with Coonamble Shire, with the replacement of two bridges and construction of a new bridge. An application has been made to the Remote Roads Pilot Program Grant, with $797,040 to be funded by Council.
- $5,146,000 to the Remote Roads Pilot Program Grant for the sealing of Marra Road, with $514,600 NSW State funded.