Quarry Resumes Full Operation After 20 Years
13 December 2023
Following adoption of a recommendation from the Plant Committee, Warren Shire Council at its December 2023 meeting resolved to enter into an agreement with Neill Earthmoving Pty Ltd to enable the Mount Foster Quarry to resume full operations for the first time in 20 years.
Located on Carinda Road approximately 60 kilometres from Warren Town, the quarry is an important source of road construction material and aggregates for bitumen sealing works.
While Council has operated the quarry since the 1970’s, it has not been operating to its full capacity for two decades due to limited resources and equipment availability.
Council’s General Manager, Gary Woodman, says reinstating full operations at the Mt Foster quarry site will bring broad community benefits for Warren Shire.
“Council is very pleased to be partnering with Neill Earthmoving to recommence full operations at the Mt Foster Quarry,” says Mr Woodman.
“It will be beneficial to both Council, quarry users and community members that we can once again obtain sealing aggregate, road making material and rock from within Warren Shire, which can all be used for many on-farm uses, such as erosion control and protection works.
“Council will also now be able to obtain much of the rock protection material from this local site for large-scale projects, including the rehabilitation of the Warren Town Levee later in 2024, which will reduce costs and increase efficiencies for these critical infrastructure upgrades.”
Neill Earthmoving Operations Manager, Jacob Neill, says he is looking forward to getting a local asset back up and running that will assist surrounding towns and local farmers.
“Neill Earthmoving is a family-owned company that has been operating across Central West NSW for 30 years and we look forward to supporting our local community by reactivating an asset such as the Mt Foster Quarry, especially in an area where resources like this are scarce,” says Mr Neill.
“I understand Warren Shire Council and community members have wanted to revive quarry operations for a few years now, and we look forward to making this a reality for Warren Shire.”
The Agreement between Warren Shire Council and Neill Earthmoving commenced on 8 December 2023 for a three-year period, with the option of a further three-year extension.
It is anticipated full operations will recommence at Mt Foster Quarry by February 2024.