MEET THE TEAM - Scott Hosking
26 September 2023

As Council's Work Health Safety and Risk Coordinator, Scott Hosking is serious about safety, and dedicates his days to reducing hazards and risks both within Council and the wider community.
Let’s learn a little more about Scott.
How long have you been with Warren Shire Council?
I have been with Council since May 2021, or almost two-and-a-half years.
What led you to work in the health, safety and risk area?
My journey with health and safety began in 2003 when I worked for Cobar Shire Council as a Weeds Inspector.
Prior to this role I had worked with chemicals by myself, and took the safety aspect seriously, as I wanted to make sure I wasn’t affected by chemicals.
Working with staff, I knew I had to keep them safe as well - not only on the chemical side of things, but also when working on the highways, rail corridors, airport and in parks and gardens where our team and the general public coexist.
This meant making sure everyone did the right thing, and as safety went hand-in-hand with my role, I also took on the position of Chair of the Safety Committee.
After leaving Cobar, I worked for the Central West Catchment Management Authority. Although I wasn’t involved in the direct management of safety, I still had a keen interest, so I again became the Chair of the Safety Committee there.
This lead me to my next job with a local corporate farm in Warren, where I became the WHS Coordinator. Thus, I had my first full-time position in safety and from that role, I moved into a similar position with Warren Shire Council.
What’s your favourite part of your job?
A lot of the time I feel as though I may be hitting my head up against a brick wall, but this takes a backseat when we kick goals by problem-solving safety issues.
What does a usual day look like in your role?
I never have a 'usual day'. I start by having a program set out and usually that goes out the window, because I’m required to do something else that I didn’t know about! In saying that, I may have many 'caps' that I wear, but safety is always first and foremost.
I'm Council's Return to Work Coordinator, too, which involves bringing together many elements to ensure that a staff member has their needs met when returning to work.
Of course, I spend time doing the 'boring bits' such as legislative requirements, and I also work with my fellow staff members to reduce hazards and risks, and ensure that staff training is up to date... the list goes on!
What have been some of your biggest achievements at Council thus far?
While there aren’t that many achievements I can gain in this role, it has been pleasing to see a mind-shift in the outdoor staff - we've seen an increase in the number of individuals completing risk assessments, holding toolbox meetings and performing other safety-related tasks.
What’s your idea of a perfect day?
No one being injured.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given, either personally or professionally?
I have two pieces of advice:
1. When you mess up, own it. It's what you do to fix the mess you made that people will remember. In other words, we will all do something wrong at some stage, and we have a choice: to try and fix what we did, blame someone or something, or try to hide our mistake.
2. In a similar vein: always stay transparent. Don’t hide things - be open, even when you know the truth sometimes hurts.
What is something people don't know about you?
Probably lots of things I don’t want people to know about me! I do like going on motorbike rides with my wife; usually, they're to a local spot or town where we enjoy a day out, have a pub meal or do some exploring.
What do you enjoy most about calling Warren Shire home?
My wife and I came to Warren 30 years ago with the intention of staying five years. Although we have both worked away, we just love being in this part of the world. It’s probably a bit quiet for most people, but I love that part of it.
You can always get a park in the street pretty well where you want to go, you are still fairly close to things, and you can get most of what you want without having to try and decide on fifty different options.