MEET THE TEAM - Asad Satti

28 July 2023

MEET THE TEAM - Asad Satti - Post Image

Recently commencing as Council's Flood Restoration and Special Projects Manager, Asad Satti is a skilled engineer with over eight years of industry experience. 

Asad's new role is of utmost importance given the challenges our region has faced due to recent flood events, and he will be an invaluable asset in our ongoing efforts to mitigate the impact of floods and restore affected areas.

Let’s hear more about Asad.

What are you most looking forward to in your new role at Warren Shire Council?  

Given the unprecedented challenges faced by Warren Shire due to recent flood events, I look forward to making a positive impact to the wider communities and their businesses. 

After a successful and well-planned flood response by the Engineering Services Department, now is the perfect time to reinstate the Shire’s key assets (especially the 1,291km vast road network), but also improve their ability to withstand the future challenges. I’m also looking forward to focusing on monitoring and strengthening the town levees.


What is your favourite part of working in local government? 

Working in local government offers great value with work-life balance, and the opportunity to work with a close-knit and community-focused team. I also enjoy addressing various challenges and solving complex problems faced by the community, which can be intellectually stimulating.


What types of tasks are typically involved in your field of work?  

It involves numerous multifaceted tasks, but mainly program development and implementation, road rehabilitation and implementation programs, stakeholder engagement, budget planning, synergy for better solutions, asset assessment and management, risk management, and resource management.


What is the greatest achievement in your career? 

Something one of my managers used to say that I have carried with me is: "It's not about the project you built or the tasks you achieved, it's about how you made people feel about themselves: valued, included, and appreciated."

I’ve carried this with me and implemented it throughout my nine-year career.

What’s your idea of a perfect day?

A day full of chaos and challenges streamlined through effective planning, collaboration and collective wisdom.


What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given? 

"The only constant in life is change."


What three things would you take with you to a deserted island? 

  1. Tom Hanks 
  2. Water
  3. Starlink 


What is your favourite thing to have for dinner after a day at work?

Homemade Chinese dumplings.


What do you enjoy most about living in rural communities like Warren Shire? 

In Warren Shire, where rivers gently flow,

A land of beauty, where the wild winds blow,

Adjacent to Macquarie, the waters embrace,

A haven of peace, a tranquil place.


Beneath the vast expanse of night,

A sky adorned with stars so bright,

A tapestry of dreams unfurls,

Where nature's wonders grace the world.


The Mitchell and Oxley Highways stride,

Through fields of wool and cotton wide,

The heartbeat of the land's embrace,

Where rural life finds its steady pace.


In this rich tapestry, a community thrives,

Where warmth and welcome gently arrives,

Families united, hearts intertwined,

In bonds of love, forever bind.


Animals roam across the land,

Their presence felt, a sight so grand,

From grazing cattle to sheep's soft fleece,

Harmony with nature finds its peace.


Through trials faced and battles won,

The spirit soars, together as one,

Warren Shire Council stands in grace,

Nurturing dreams for every face.


So let us celebrate this place,

Warren Shire's charm, its warm embrace,

A sanctuary where hearts can rest,

In this haven, forever blessed.

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