June Council Meeting Highlights
28 June 2021
Warren Shire Council meets on the fourth Thursday of every month, with the exception of November, which is replaced with a meeting on the first Thursday of December.
All Council meetings are filmed and stored online. To view these proceedings please visit warren.nsw.gov.au/council/meeting-videos
Please find following a selection of highlights from this month’s meeting:
Infrastructure Progress Updates – Item 3
- Warren Airport Upgrades
The $2.28M Warren Airport Upgrade is in its final stages, with the old terminal building now demolished and removed from the site in preparation for the construction of the new terminal building.
- Village Enhancements for Warren, Nevertire and Collie
The Works Program is currently being rescoped for the $1M village enhancement project. Most Nevertire and Collie Village projects have largely been completed.
- Warren Showground/Racecourse Upgrade
Quotations have been received and work planned to commence in July for upgrades to the electrical facilities and Cattleman’s Camping Area. Plans to relocate the Cattle Yards will be done in consultation with user groups to ensure a smooth transition.
- Warren Tennis Court Upgrade
Upgrades to the Warren Tennis Courts include $48,000 to resurface two concrete tennis courts to artificial turf by Dubbo’s Classic Sporting Facilities.
- Groundwater Augmentation
To deliver sustainable groundwater usage, Council is progressing with a $1M augmentation project, with all three cross connections complete, tanks constructed, approximately 2,400m of pipe laid and power supply installed to pumps.
- Grant Applications
Council has been successful in a number of grants from the Murray-Darling Basin Economic Development Program (Round 3) amounting to $1,500,000.
Unfortunately, Council has been advised the application submitted for $671,000 to the NSW Government’s Regional Sport Facility Fund grant program for change rooms, male and female toilets, a canteen and viewing area for the Carter Oval Youth Sports Precinct, has been unsuccessful. Council will be applying for funds through other grant opportunities for this important project.
Unfortunately, Council has been advised that the application for $100,000 to the Crown Lands COVID-19 Recovery Support Program for an Accessible Amenities facility at Warren Pony Club has been unsuccessful.
Delivery Program Progress Report – Item 4
Council is in its final year of the four-year Delivery Program (2017/18 – 2020/21) with all actions either on track or commenced. The Delivery Program Progress Report covers progress on activities undertaken by Council that support delivery of the Community Strategic Plan. This includes access to community services, employment and health services, community safety, economic planning, and town planning including maintenance for roads and amenities. View the full Delivery Program Progress Report – WSC June Business Paper
Regional Collaboration Proposed Replacement of the Orana Joint Organisation – Item 5
Council has supported, in concept, the proposal of a new regional collaboration entity and will support its development by providing funds which were allocated in the budget for the Orana Joint Organisation. The proposal aims to replace the Orana Joint Organisation with a more cost-effective, collaborative group of Councils committed to the future of the region.
2021 Local Roads Congress – IPWEA – Item 6
Councillor Brewer and General Manager, Mr Gary Woodman, attended the Institute Public Works Engineering Australasia (IPWEA) 2021 NSW Local Roads Congress, which included presentations by IPWEA NSW & ACT President, Grant Baker, President of the Australian Local Government Association and Local Government NSW, Councillor Linda Scott, Minister for Regional Transport and Roads, the Hon. Paul Toole MP, and Shadow Minister for Rural Roads, the Hon. Mick Veitch, MLC.
At this event, Minister Toole MP announced the opening for Round 3 of the Fixing Local Roads Program, in which Councils can apply for grants of up to $3M for a single road project. It is expected that successful projects will be complete within two years to ensure local communities can benefit quickly.
Warren Shire Council will be applying for grant funding for the following local road priorities:
- Completion of Ellengerah Road Construction to the Shire boundary;
- Bitumen Reseal Program on priority local roads;
- Rehabilitation of Nevertire – Bogan Road Segments 4 and 6;
- Gravel Resheeting Program on priority local roads;
- Construction of Tyrie Road;
- Construction of Old Warren Road Segment 26 and 28;
- Upgrade of Gradgery Lane Bridges; and
- Construction of Gibson Way.
Adoption of the 2021/2022 Operational Plan and Estimates– Item 4
Council has adopted its 2021/2022 Operational Plan and Estimates. Following a consultation period from 28 April – 26 May, the draft plan was advertised in the Warren Weekly and on Council’s website and Facebook platform. Throughout this period no submissions or comments on the Draft 2021/2022 Operational Plan & Estimates were received.
Council is proposing a robust Capital Works program which includes upgrades to the Warren Memorial Swimming Pool, Warren Cemetery extensions, and urban and regional road rehabilitation, construction and resealing.
It is noted that there was one amendment to the Draft 2021/2022 Fees and Charges with interest on overdue rates changing from 7% to 6%, as advised by the Office of Local Government.
Works Progress Report: Roads
Major works in progress
- The $1.15M upgrade to Wonbobbie Bridge, Wonbobbie Road in Marthaguy Creek is now complete, with line markings finished in May.
- Ellengerah Road – the $432,000 rural road construction is now complete, with line marking finished in June.
- Old Warren Road – Segment 22 to 24 – the $710,000 rural road construction is now complete, with line marking finished in June.
- Nevertire Bogan Road – Segment 02 – the $610,000 rural road rehabilitation is now complete, with line marking finished in June.
Road maintenance grade completed in June:
- Ringorah Road – shire road
- Killaloo Lane – shire road
- Marra Road – regional road
Road maintenance and construction schedule for July - August:
- For additional safety measures, flashing lights/signs will be installed at the Industrial Access Rd/Corinda Rd/Dubbo St intersection at the end of June.
Works on the following shire roads in July:
- Buddabadah Road - Maintenance grade
·Booka Road - Maintenance grade
- Pleasant View Lane - Maintenance grade
- Castlebar Road - Maintenance grade
- Mullengudgery Road - Maintenance grade (July/August)
Works on the following shire roads in August:
- Elsinore Road - Maintenance grade
- Mannix Road - Maintenance grade
- Bundemar Road - Maintenance grade
- Wonbobbie Road - Maintenance grade
Works on the following regional roads:
- Collie Trangie Road – Rehabilitation (July)
- Billybingbone Road – Maintenance grade (July/August)
All works listed are in addition to the regular maintenance, patching, edge repairs, slashing and mowing works carried out across all Council facilities. For full details on road maintenance view the WSC June Business Paper
Works Progress Report: Town Services – Item 2
- Warren Netball Courts
The $30,000 netball court upgrade is now complete with new irrigation and hydro-turf installed. The upgrade is funded through the Australian Government’s Drought Communities Program – Extension.
- Warren Cemetery Stage 3
Council is continuing to develop a Warren Cemetery Masterplan. Installation of an on-site sewer management system and toilet facilities are now complete, and plans for an additional pathway and garden beds will be established.
- Sewerage Services
To improve reliability, a number of items including pumps and starters will be replaced across Wilson St, Gunningba Estate, Garden Ave and Nevertire Sewerage Pumping Stations.
Construction of Warren Waste Depot Transfer Station at the Ewenmar Waste Management Facility – Item 4
Council has investigated options to complete this project and will engage Council day labour staff and the services of local contractors to assist with construction of the Warren waste depot transfer station.
Works Progress Report: Health & Development Services - Item 2
A $10,000 project to complete the Tiger Bay Wetland Walkways will commence with Council successful in a grant from the Central West Councils Environment & Waterways Alliance. The project is funded by a $5,000 grant from Central West Councils Environment & Waterways Alliance, and Warren Shire Council contributing an additional financial and in-kind amount of $5,000.
Vacation Care Policies
A number of Vacation Care Policies are on public exhibition until Friday, 9 July.
Interested community members are encouraged to read the draft policies and submit any comments to Council. Any comments received will be taken into consideration.
All residents and stakeholders are invited to submit feedback via:
- Email: council@warren.nsw.gov.au
- Post: PO Box 6, Warren NSW 2824
- In-Person: Written submissions can also be provided in-person to Council’s Administration Office at 115 Dubbo Street, Warren NSW 2824
To view the policies, visit Council’s website: Vacation Care Policies
Mr Duncan Lovelock, Principal of Warren Central School, gave Council a presentation sharing an overview of the six years improvement of Warren Central School and the future of education.
Warren Shire Council received minutes from Council’s most recent Management Executive meeting (MANEX) with the following items:
Local Road Funding Projects
With road upgrades a priority, Council has a project team committed to overseeing road construction and maintenance, including sourcing funding through grant applications.
The project team includes:
- General Manager;
- Divisional Manager Engineering Services (Team Leader);
- Roads Infrastructure Manager;
- Asset Manager;
- Divisional Manager Finance & Administration;
- Asset Technical Officer – Roads; and
- Roads Overseer.
Orana Housing Program by RDA-Orana
RDA-Orana will be undertaking a three-month research project to investigate the provision of housing in the Orana region.
Warren Shire Mayor, Councillor Milton Quigley, attended the Country Mayors Association of NSW and of particular note to Warren Shire were representations to address the lack of health and mental health services in rural and remote communities such as ours.