July Council Meeting Highlights
26 July 2021
Warren Shire Council meets on the fourth Thursday of every month, with the exception of November, which is replaced with a meeting on the first Thursday of December.
All Council meetings are filmed and stored online. To view these proceedings please visit warren.nsw.gov.au/council/meeting-videos
Please find following a selection of highlights from this month’s meeting:
Outback Arts Inc. – Item 1
Councillor Serdity provided an update on Outback Arts activities. Outback Arts recently received a visit from Create NSW during their tour of regional arts bodies across the region. Create NSW were impressed with the work and strong stakeholder network Outback Arts has established.
Outback Arts supports and promotes arts and culture in the Far West, servicing the seven local government areas of Bourke, Brewarrina, Bogan, Cobar, Coonamble, Walgett and Warren. To find out more about Outback Arts visit https://www.outbackarts.com.au
Vacation Care Policies: Audit review – Item 1
Following an audit review by NSW Department of Education – Early Childhood Education Directorate, Council have supported the public exhibition of a number of new Vacation Care policies. The policies will be on display for 28 days and communicated through Warren Shire Council’s social platforms and website.
Outstanding reports – Item 1
- Nevertire mobile and internet coverage
Council continues to lobby the Federal and NSW Governments, with a briefing note also provided to the Federal Member for Parkes, the Hon Mark Coulton MP, to include Nevertire in the ‘Black Spot’ funding program. In addition, Council is working with Telstra to improve mobile and internet service in the Nevertire region.
Infrastructure Progress Updates – Item 3
- Carter Oval Development
The $1.2M upgrade of Carter Oval and surrounding areas is underway and the design plan now complete, with works funded under the Improvement of Regional Structures Grant.
Irrigation has now been installed for Carter Oval, pathways between sports areas have been constructed, and development of the soccer and cricket fields have commenced. Storage facilities for Little A’s, cricket and soccer have been ordered, with construction scheduled for August.
- Warren Showground/Racecourse Upgrade
A works program is currently being developed in consultation with user groups to re-fence the perimeter, re-level all concrete and asphalt floors, replace amenities in the cattleman’s and horse sports camping area, renovate men’s amenities in the main pavilion and amenities in the centre arena, install a new septic tank for the main pavilion amenities and a new septic tank with grease trap for the canteen waste in the centre arena. These works are funded through the NSW Government’s Showground Stimulus Funding Program, Phase 2C.
- Warren Central Business District Toilet Amenities
Preparation for development of the Warren Central Business District Toilet Amenities are underway with all necessary services now connected, including the required grease trap facilities. Quotations are now being sought for the facilities, together with further grant funds, to ensure a high-quality facility is provided.
- Grant Applications
Council is preparing to commence a number of projects recently funded through the Murray-Darling Basin Economic Development Program (Round 3) amounting to $1,500,000. These projects include:
- $500,000 for the Carter Oval Sports Lighting project;
- $500,000 for the Monkeygar Creek Macquarie Marshes Bird Viewing project;
- $250,000 for water reservoirs and grain silos murals; and
- $250,000 for the Warren Showground Racecourse Improvement Program.
Unfortunately, the Bob Christiansen Reserve Walkway and Improvement project was unsuccessful in this round of funding.
Council has submitted applications for the following grants:
- $95,944 to the NSW Government’s Stronger Country Communities Fund for improvements to the Warren Showground Racecourse Complex Equestrian Arena with a focus on women;
- $671,000 to the NSW Government’s Stronger Country Communities Fund for change rooms, toilets, canteen, viewing area and amenities block for Carter Oval Sports Precinct with a focus on women;
- $100,000 to the Crown Reserves Improvement Fund Program for the construction of an all-access amenities block at the Warren Pony Club;
- $250,000 to the Crown Reserves Improvement Fund Program for upgrades to the Racecourse bar, viewing improvements and jockey rooms; and
- $60,000 to the Crown Reserves Improvement Fund Program to replace the Showground female amenities.
Librarian’s Report on the Warren Shire Library – Item 4
The Warren Shire Library is continuing to develop innovative ways to engage the community, with several new projects to enhance the library’s Outreach program. This includes a new pop-up library service at Warren’s aged-care residential service, Calara House, for residents to access their own library. The Outreach program also provides services to:
- Warren Preschool;
- Pop-up library for preschool-aged children;
- Little Possums;
- St Mary’s School;
- Warren Central School;
- Vacation Care; and
- Housebound deliveries.
The library is also reaching more children through online storytime sessions, which are filmed and loaded to the Warren Shire Library YouTube channel each Monday. The online storytime sessions are part of a North Western Libraries pilot scheme managed by the Australian Library and Information Association. Further e-resources are now available with the launch of Hoopla Digital, providing access to a great range of film, music books, audiobooks and graphic novels. Hoopla Digital is available to download through the North Western App and website.
North Western Library Councils are continuing to support important e-resources, with all Council’s allocated an additional $3,000 a year from the State Library Priority Grant Funding.
Follow Warren Shire Library’s Facebook to keep up to date with all the events and happenings – Warren Shire Library
Works Progress Report: Roads
Major works in progress
- Flashing lights have been installed at the Industrial Access Road/Carinda Road/Dubbo Street intersection. It is planned to have the Industrial Access Road designated as a Heavy Vehicle Bypass as soon as possible.
Road maintenance grades completed in July:
- Ringorah Road
- Old Warren Road
- Marra Road
- Pleasant View Lane
- Booka Road
- Killaloo Lane
Road maintenance and construction schedule for August - September:
Maintenance grade on the following roads in August:
- Elsinore Road
- Mannix Road
- Wonbobbie Road
- Cullemburrawang Road
- Carinda Road – shoulders
- Nevertire-Bogan Road – shoulders
Construction on Ellengerah Road throughout August and September.
Maintenance grade on the following roads in September:
- Heatherbrae Road
- Cremorne Road
- Catons Road
- Pigeonbah Road
- Hatton Road
- Carinda Road - shoulders
Road maintenance works may be subject to change with the continued wet weather and the need to commence emergency flood and storm restoration works.
All works listed are in addition to the regular maintenance, patching, edge repairs, slashing and mowing works carried out across all Council facilities. For full details on road maintenance view the WSC July Business Paper.
Grant applications
Grant applications have been made for the following road improvements:
- Remarking of 40km school zone - $9,193 through the Australian Government’s Road Safety Program (NSW) and School-Zone Infrastructure Sub-Program Round 2;
- Ellengerah Road Construction - $634,762 to NSW Government’s Fixing Local Roads Program Round 3 and $211,587 to the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program;
- Bitumen reseal program on priority local roads – $1,000,000 to NSW Government’s Fixing Local Roads Program Round 3 and $333,000 to the Australian Government’s Roads to Recovery Program;
- Nevertire-Bogan Road (Segment 4 and Segment 6) rehabilitation - $1,295,432 to NSW Government’s Fixing Local Roads Program Round 3 and $431,811 to the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program;
- Gravel resheeting program on priority local roads – $1,000,000 to NSW Government’s Fixing Local Roads Program Round 3 and $322,258 to the Australian Government’s Roads to Recovery Program with a further $10,742 of Council funds;
- Tyrie Road construction - $465,926 NSW Government’s Fixing Local Roads Program Round 3, $115,308 to the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program, and $40,000 Council allocation;
- Old Warren Road (Segments 26 & 28) construction – $1,259,960 NSW Government’s Fixing Local Roads Program Round 3 and $419,987 to the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program;
- Upgrade to Gradgery Lane Bridges - $1,632,751 to NSW Government’s Fixing Local Roads Program Round 3 and $544,250 to the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program;
- Gibson Way road construction - $1,268,542 NSW Government’s Fixing Local Roads Program Round 3 and $422,847 to the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program; and
- Collie – Trangie Road (Segment 16) Regional Road 347 - $400,000 to Transport for NSW’s REPAIR Program and Regional Roads Block Grant for $400,000.
Council has also received detailed reports on traffic data for major roads in the shire. To view these in full or for further details on current and future road works in Warren Shire view: WSC July Business Paper
Works Progress Report: Town Services – Item 2
- Nevertire Reservoir Refurbishment
Preparations are underway for the reservoir refurbishment with temporary pumps and tanks, back-up generator, and container all ordered in July.
- Oxley Park River Water Pumping Station
Work to improve the pipe work and pumps at Oxley Park River Pump Station has commenced, with new pumps ordered and expected to be delivered by mid-August, and fabrication due to be complete by the end of August.
- Dubbo Street/Burton Street Roundabout
Temporary repairs are planned for works to stop a water leak at the roundabout, this will include new hydrants and stop values to isolate the water.
- Sewerage Services
To improve reliability, upgrades to pumps, pipework, guide rails, electrical switchboards, pump controllers and the telemetry at Gunningba Estate and Nevertire sewerage pumping stations. A number of minor electrical and telemetry works will also take place at Thornton Ave, Wilson St, Gunningba Estate, and Garden Ave pumping stations.
- Warren Levee Rehabilitation
New applications have been submitted to the Australian Government’s Department of
Home Affairs for the $6M rehabilitation project. Council awaits an outcome on this submission.
A number of recommendations have been agreed in principle for additional works to be included in the Warren Central Business District Upgrade Project. A community consultation program is being developed to gain feedback and input into the upgrade project.
Action checklist – Item 3
Council has provided a submission to the Regional Roads Reclassification and Transfer Committee, and is now awaiting a response.
Reports – Item 4
Construction of Old Warren Road (Segment 22 and 24), Ellengerah Road (Segment 20) and Nevertire-Bogan Road (Segment 02) are now completed.
Council is contributing the following for the Fixing Local Roads Program Round 3:
- $1,000,000 from the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Round 3;
- $507,734 for Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Round 2;
- $600,000 for Roads to Recovery Bitumen Reseal – Shire Roads;
- $55,250 for Roads to Recovery Bitumen Reseal – Town Streets;
- $40,000 for Tyrie Road; and
- $10,742 for other road capital to be determined.
April 2020 and March 2021 Flood and Storm Damage Natural Disaster
Declaration and Programs – Item 4.5
Build Environment Collective (BEC) will be carrying out an assessment, costing and programming for the April 2020 and March 2021 Flood and Storm Damage for Warren Shire Council. To ensure improvements are made promptly for the community, emergency works will be determined and, if possible, undertaken within six months.
Water Reservoirs and Grain Silos Murals
The Warren Stafford Street Water Reservoir mural will progress, with an additional $100,000 in funding received through the Murray-Darling Basin Economic Development Program Round 3. This mural is also funded with $2,466 from the NSW Government’s Country Arts Support Program and $34,792 from the Australian Government’s Drought Communities Grant Extension Program.
Funding has also been received through the Murray-Darling Basin Economic Development Program Round 3, in addition to the $100,000 for the Stafford Street Water Reservoir mural project, with $130,000 for the Nevertire Water Reservoir mural and $20,000 for public art of private property in the Warren Shire. Community consultation will be scheduled for the new mural projects.
The Airport upgrade is progressing however the recent rain has delayed the completion of the drainage and construction of the terminal building. Site preparation is now underway for the new terminal work to commence, with the aim for construction to be completed by the end of September. The Rural Fire Service building is now in its final stages of planning.
A number of items have been considered to improve economic development including developing an overall Warren Shire Tourism Plan and Warren Main Street redevelopment. A submission was also made by Council to extend the Central-West Orana Renewable Energy Zone through Narromine Shire into Warren Shire to take into account the solar farm at Nevertire.
Council met with Regional NSW Business Development Facilitator, Eoin Clohesy, to discuss the area’s economic development. Eoin is now working to develop an economic development strategy and action plan for Warren Shire.