Grading, gravel and grants
28 July 2021

The following maintenance is scheduled for August and September. This schedule may be subject to change with the continued wet weather and the need to commence emergency flood and storm damage restoration works.
Maintenance grade scheduled for August:
- Elsinore Road
- Mannix Road
- Wonbobbie Road
- Cullemburrawang Road
- Carinda Road – shoulders
- Nevertire-Bogan Road – shoulders
Construction on Ellengerah Road in August and September.
Maintenance grade scheduled for September:
- Heatherbrae Road
- Cremorne Road
- Catons Road
- Pigeonbah Road
- Hatton Lane
- Carinda Road - shoulders
To continue to improve our local and regional roads, a number of grant applications were submitted in July, including:
- $9,193 for remarking of 40km school zones
- $846,349 for Ellengerah Road Construction
- $1,333,000 for the bitumen reseal program on priority local roads
- $1,727,243 for Nevertire-Bogan Road (Segment 4 and Segment 6) rehabilitation
- $1,333,000 for the gravel resheeting program on priority local roads
- $621,234 for Tyrie Road construction
- $1,679,946 for Old Warren Road (Segments 26 & 28) construction
- $2,177,001 for Gradgery Lane Bridges upgrades
- $1,691,389 for Gibson Way construction
- $800,000 for Collie – Trangie Road (Segment 16) Regional Road 347
Emergency Repairs and Restoration
Through the Flood and Storm Damage Natural Disaster
Declaration, Council is working with Built Environment Collective (BEC) to assess the road damage from the March 2021 storms and flooding.
Council will commence any urgent emergency works from these storm events, such as formation grading and shoulder repairs, as soon as weather and scheduling permits.
The full restoration program will allow Council to fix the extensive damage caused to our infrastructure by this weather event.
Image: The $1.15M upgrade to Wonbobbie Bridge, Wonbobbie Road On Marthaguy Creek is now complete.
Image credit: Steven Christian