From the Mayor's Desk - 25 February 2019
25 February 2019

This week I would like to congratulate Cr Rex Wilson on the Lifetime Achievement Award presented to him by LGNSW. LGNSW is the peak local government industry body for councils across NSW and the award presented to Rex is only the second award in this category. That Rex has been recognised by his peers for his significant community service to the residents of the Warren Shire through his extraordinary term in Local Government and possibly as the longest serving Mayor in NSW is a great honour. On behalf of Council I would like to congratulate Rex, Robynne and the family on receiving this award.
As we lead into the State Election, Councillors and staff have been talking to the main candidates about a number of issues around health care, the support
of grant funding to assist the development of sport, and to look at future road upgrades. The lead up to an election is always a good time to remind
candidates about the communities needs and wants and to highlight issues that are of concern for the majority of the rural community.
During this week Councillors will travel to the Western Division Shire's Conference at Bourke to discuss issues with current government Ministers and staff
and to talk further with candidates standing in the Barwon electorate.
Milton Quigley
25th February 2019