From the Mayor's Desk - 23 April 2018
23 April 2018

All roads should lead to Warren at the end of this week for the NSW Country Rugby Union Zone Championships which our local club has done so well to secure for our Shire. Since the announcement some months ago, all those associated with the club have worked tirelessly to make the occasion a great success and have received massive support from right across the community in areas such as accommodation and meals for the expected hundreds of players and spectators. Council has played its part in providing first rate facilities enabling Warren to be considered as a venue initially and over the last few weeks the focus has been on ensuring all our facilities are presented in the best condition possible with available resources.
Anzac Day Services are being held in Warren and Collie. Public attendance has always been good and I look forward to catching up with people. I acknowledge the great service provided by the past and currently serving Defence Force Members to this nation.
It would also seem as though the long dry spell will continue well past the weekend. However with cotton picking coming to an end most landholders and townspeople would really welcome some serious rain to get crops in the ground and pastures growing.
NRF (Rex) Wilson OAM