From the Mayor's Desk - 16 December 2019
17 December 2019

In the final Mayor’s Desk of 2019, I want to take the opportunity to wish everyone a happy and safe festive season.
The lead up to Christmas has been busy.
Council has held village meetings in Nevertire and Collie to update residents on their respective Village Enhancement Plans. Work in both villages has progressed well despite the very dry conditions with drainage and road works occurring and all streets in Collie and streets west of the Oxley Highway in Nevertire having been sealed. This work is part of a ten year plan.
The Christmas Street Party has been rightly hailed as a wonderful event that brings our community together. Congratulations to the organising committee.
On Monday 9th December the General Manager and I attended the Orana Joint Organisation of Councils Meeting in Mudgee. A number of presentations were made. Those pertaining most to us regarded health and freight transport. In addition, unanimous support was given for Dubbo Regional Council to join the organisation.
Our last full Council meeting for 2019 was held on the 5th December. Committee meetings continue however through December and January.
Friday night saw a revised form of the Twilight Races take place. The Warren Jockey Club is to be congratulated for being able to race when other meetings around the region are being cancelled because of the understandable poor condition of tracks.
Earthworks for the Skate Park in the Carter Oval sporting precinct are complete. The contractors awarded the construction contract have chosen to utilise the services of a local for the provision of concrete as pours begin.
A reminder that Australia Day will soon be upon us. I believe there are many people in our community worthy of nomination for awards. Please nominate them.
Let’s put a close to 2019 recognising that much has been achieved by your Council but that it is a difficult time for absolutely everyone in the Warren Shire.
Lets hope for a much improved 2020 seasonally.
Milton Quigley
16th December 2019