From the Mayor's Desk - 1 July 2019
01 July 2019

Last week Council had its June Monthly meeting and as part of the meeting the Council considered several important areas that have been a subject of social media this last week.
Council’s Town Improvement Committee met in June and has reported to Council.
I would like to address a few of the items from that Town Improvement Committee meeting to ensure that our whole community is aware of the discussion that took place within that Committee. Unfortunately, by providing minutes in point form, the true discussion at the time was not captured and social media has unfairly targeted staff and Councillors. I wish to apologise to the staff especially.
The first item concerns Lions Park. Council has been vested a portion of the estate of a former Lions Club member to be used solely to upgrade Lions Park.
Council has invited the Lions Club President to meet with the Town Improvement Committee so that the Lions Club can help develop a plan for upgrades
with Council to Lions Park.
The Committee also discussed several items as general business.
Clr Williamson presented an item on murals specifically for shopfronts provided by Mr Bruce Lynch. This was discussed and Councillors and staff asked legitimate
questions regarding the purpose / goals of such a project; the costs; how the subject matter and artists would be chosen; the longevity of the works
and indeed, even if building owners desire and approve of murals on their building. A project like this would likely depend entirely on grant funding.
As a result, the letter from artist Bryce Lynch was forwarded to the Economic Development Department to look into these issues and then report back
to the Town Improvement Committee. Councillor Williamson would further speak with Mr Lynch.
The Committee discussed the need for a public toilet in the Main Street area. Council is reviewing its Dubbo Street upgrade plans.
The Committee considered a request for garbage bins at the Spar Supermarket / Chemist area. The area in question is not Council owned. The Committee will
consider the existing bin locations and discuss with the land owner the need for a bin on this land. Comment was also made from the Committee on the
damaged brickwork surrounding the garden beds from cars hitting the walls; and with the Buxus hedging was not thriving, if the irrigation system was
working as intended.
The Committee also considered plant requirements for the garden beds and tree surrounds in Dubbo Street. New spring plantings will occur in August.
The Committee was presented with a request from members of the public to provide gardens adjacent to the entry signs to the villages. A trial site can
be established, and the committee will seek further advice on plant types that are suitable in these locations given limited water availability.
Councillors are happy for the community to contact them and make suggestions as to improvements they may wish to see in relation to the improvement of
our town and villages. These can then be presented to the Town Improvement Committee for consideration at their meetings. Councillors are also available
to discuss any item raised at Council or through its Committees. This will ensure that the correct information is available to the community.
I would also like to remind all members of the community that they can attend Council meetings and listen to the discussion. The next Council meeting will
be held in the Council Chambers on Thursday 25th July 2019 and everyone is welcome.
Milton Quigley
1st July 2019