From the Mayor's Desk - 30 November 2020
30 November 2020

With what I hope has been an enormously successful harvest for all drawing to a close Council is mindful of the poorer condition of a number of our local and regional roads that has been the result of a significant increase in heavy vehicle movements. Roads will continue to be assessed and repairs undertaken in a timely manner. Council is acutely aware of the poor condition of the Carinda Road (Regional Road 333) in the vicinity of Raby. Please notify Council of any other areas of our road network that require urgent repair.
It was enormously pleasing to see the Warren Swimming Pool open to the public again as of midday on Sunday. This has been a frustrating project in terms of timeframes and the “unknown unknowns” that invariably occur and cause delays when dealing with sixty year old infrastructure. You just don’t know what you are going to find until you start. That our contractors for the internal resurfacing of the pool were Queensland based and were delayed in entering NSW as a result of Covid border restrictions certainly didn’t help. Nonetheless it is a wonderful facility now with an impressive array of shade sails that I hope all residents will enjoy.
A belated congratulations to Grace Brennan, a finalist in the NSW Division of The Australian of the Year, recognising her innovative “Buy from the Bush” campaign that benefited so many small rural businesses. The NSW Division was won by Shane Fitzsimmons, Rural Fire Service Commissioner, who oversaw the bushfire response in late 2019 and early 2020.
Milton Quigley