From the Mayor's Desk - 28 June
28 June 2021

On Saturday new COVID-19 Guidelines were issued in a statement from the Premier, Deputy Premier and the Minister for Health and Medical Research in relation to restrictions in areas outside Greater Sydney. The new measures began at 6pm on Saturday 26th June. As a consequence, the following restrictions now apply in the Warren Shire Council Local Government Area.
- People who have been in the Greater Sydney region (including the Blue Mountains, Central Coast and Wollongong) on or after June 21 should follow the stay-at-home orders for a period of 14 days after they left Greater Sydney;
- Visitors to households will be limited to 5 guests – including children;
- Masks will be compulsory in all indoor non-residential settings, including workplaces, and at organised outdoor events;
- Drinking while standing at indoor venues will not be allowed;
- Singing by audiences and choirs at indoor venues or by congregants at indoor places of worship will not be allowed;
- Dancing will not be allowed at indoor hospitality venues or nightclubs however, dancing is allowed at weddings for the wedding party only (no more than 20 people);
- Dance and gym classes limited to 20 per class (masks must be worn);
- The one person per four square metre rule will be re-introduced for all indoor and outdoor settings, including weddings and funerals; and
- Outdoor seated, ticketed events will be limited to 50 per cent seated capacity.
In relation to Council activities, and for those making use of Council facilities the restrictions will be adhered to as one would expect. In particular, masks will be worn in all indoor settings.
Staff who have been in the Greater Sydney Area on or after the 21st June 2021 have been asked to consider working from home. Staff are however able to leave home for essential work where working from home is not possible.
Please stay safe.
It was heartening to hear that the Covid Vaccination Clinic held last Thursday at the Warren Sporting and Cultural Centre was so well patronised that all available appointment times were utilised. The Warren Family Medical Centre in Lawson Street also continues to accept appointments for those who are in eligible age groups for vaccination. We all need to be mindful that the higher the percentage of our population that is vaccinated the safer our community becomes.
The above events have overshadowed the NSW State Budget handed down last Tuesday. Broadly speaking the budget gets a tick of approval from Warren Shire Council.
Of particular interest to our Council was the $240 million set aside to improve road connectivity through the Fixing Local Roads and Bridges Program. We will be applying for grants under this program as will also be the case with the $250 million Fund to support upgrades to regional roads.
The budget also included $149 million for waste and recycling. We will attempt to secure funds for the continued upgrade of the Ewenmar Waste Depot.
$64 million has been set aside over four years in the Future Ready Regions strategy which addresses drought resilience. This is a direct response to Warren Shire Council’s motion to the 2020 Local Government NSW Conference pertaining to Governments underwhelming response to drought.
Additionally, $36 million has been allocated to fund 57 mental health specialists in rural and regional areas.
Clr Milton Quigley