From the Mayor's Desk - 27 April 2020
27 April 2020

Saturday saw the passing of the most unusual of ANZAC Days with services not taking place as result of the COVID-19 pandemic. I was however able to place a wreath on behalf of Council at our Memorial in Macquarie Park. Like many of you Jenny and I stood at the end of our driveway at 6 am and listened to the dawn service from Canberra. Headlights and tail lights indicated that others around us were doing the same.
In the same vein, although the Council Administration Building and the Works Depot are closed to the public, all staff are still working and able to assist with inquiries via telephone or email.
Council staff have not been able to cover all of the roads in the Shire to ascertain what damage has occurred as a result of the recent welcome rain. If there is a road problem that you feel Council is not aware of please contact Council’s Engineering Department and alert them. As you can imagine the most urgent works are being given priority.
During the last couple of weeks Council along with its contractor Fulton Hogan has resealed a significant number of kilometres of rural roads. With more moisture available grading has also taken place along the Elsinore Road, Castlebar Lane and Canonba Road. Drivers should be aware of reconstruction occurring on the Carinda Road that necessitates slowing down with the road being widened.
It is my hope that as a result of adherence to the rules around minimising the spread of coronavirus and the diminishing rate of new cases that our lives will eventually be closer to what is normal. With winter ‘flu season’ approaching however, this is not the time for complacency.
Keep an eye out for Council’s newsletter which was published on Tuesday.
Stay well,
Milton Quigley
27th April 2020