From the Mayor's Desk - 26 October 2020
27 October 2020

This week sees the completion of Glenn Wilcox’s tenure as General Manager at Warren Shire Council.
Glenn has worked tirelessly in improving Warren Shire Council for the betterment of our whole community. He came into a Council with a good stable base three and a half years ago and has sought to elevate the organisation’s ability to provide services to our residents and to provide the infrastructure they deserve.
Glenn has introduced a greater degree of rigor into Council’s decision making, particularly in the area of policy and procedure where we were not as well placed as we might have been.
Glenn’s standout contributions have been in the areas of forward planning and the development of infrastructure. Most areas of Council’s operations now have ten year plans making it relatively easy to have projects shovel ready and eligible for grants should they become available.
The last two years have seen projects with a value in excess of $20 million instigated and in many cases completed in our Shire. A detailed list appears elsewhere in this newspaper, but suffice to say that Glenn has played no small part in these achievements. The redevelopment of Macquarie Park, the walkway to Victoria Oval and Calara House along the riverbank, the four bay storage shed, emergency generator and two high quality outdoor netball courts and half basketball court at the Warren Sporting and Cultural Centre, one of the best skate parks in NSW, continuing redevelopment of the Carter Oval precinct into a family focused recreational area, continuing redevelopment and upgrades to the airport including an aircraft refueling station, facility enhancements for all of the nine organisations that make use of the Showground Racecourse and enhancements to Nevertire and Collie are some of the projects that spring easily to mind.
Many more projects are planned and many will be completed in the coming months including a number of rural road projects, the Wonbobbie Bridge across the Marthaguy Creek, the new Council building and the cross linking of our two bore sites at Bore Flat and on the Ellengerah Road.
All of these make the Warren Shire Local Government Area a better place in which to live, work and raise a family.
For all of this, I and my fellow Councillors owe Glenn a significant degree of gratitude.
The recruitment process for a new General Manager is continuing.
Many will be aware that Council held its October monthly meeting in the new Council Chambers. An official opening will be held after the new building is complete and the present building refurbished.
A draft Warren Swimming Pool Master Plan has been advertised and public comment is sought. Copies are available at the front office and online.
Milton Quigley