From the Mayor's Desk - 21 Aug
21 August 2021

In relation to COVID-19, it was gratifying to learn that as of 15th August NSW Health figures show that the Warren Shire Local Government Area (LGA) has administered a total of 3,411 Covid-19 tests. This community response has been encouraging to see and highlights the collective spirit of the Shire.
The Warren Shire LGA has one of the highest testing rates in regional NSW, with now 484 tests for every 1,000 residents, and we are also seeing a high number of people getting vaccinated. With our eligible population sitting at around 1,640 people, over 75% of this group have had their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, and over 30% are now fully vaccinated as of the 15th August. We should all be very proud the Shire is among the top regional NSW Local Government Areas for vaccination rates.
Importantly we have the opportunity to really ramp up those vaccination rates with the arrival of the combined Australian Defence Force and Western NSW Local Health District pop-up vaccination clinic in Warren at the Sporting and Cultural Centre, Victoria Park on Monday 23rd August and Tuesday 24th August.
Details are on Council’s Facebook page and on Council’s website.
In reality, having everyone vaccinated in the same way that children are immunised against mumps, measles and chickenpox is the only way in which we can keep our community safe. I would encourage anyone who is eligible and not yet vaccinated to make use of the walk-in clinic on Monday or Tuesday.
Vaccination is the best way to protect your family, your friends and the Warren community.
We additionally need to continue to comply with the current Stay at Home Public Health Order so that Warren Shire continues to remain Covid-19 free.
As an additional public health measure, our sewerage will now be tested for Covid-19 fragments. This hasn’t been available to smaller towns such as ours until this week, but we will now have access to what I would call an early warning system. I am mindful however that this is not foolproof because of travellers passing through using our public facilities and sewerage dump point.
Please stay safe.
Milton Quigley
Warren Shire Council.