From the Mayor's Desk - 16 August 2021
16 August 2021

On Saturday afternoon 14th August, 2021 I received a telephone call from our State Member, the Member for Barwon, Roy Butler, advising that Stay at Home Orders for the Warren Shire Council Local Government would be extended until 12.01 am Sunday, 22nd August 2021 as part of a Statewide Lockdown.
The orders, some specifically in regard to the retail sector, are outlined below.
Regional Stay at Home Orders from 5.00 pm Saturday, 14th August 2021
The NSW Government has announced Stay-at-Home Orders for Regional NSW from 5.00 pm 14th August 2021 to minimise movement and protect communities from the evolving COVID-19 outbreak.
The lockdown for all of Regional NSW will be in force for one week until 12.01 am Sunday, 22nd August 2021.
Everyone must stay at home unless they have a reasonable excuse to leave.
They also cannot have visitors in their home from outside their household, including family and friends.
People still can have one visitor at one time to fulfil carers’ responsibilities or provide care or assistance, or for compassionate reasons, including where two people are in a relationship but do not live together.
All hospitality venues must be closed to the public, including pubs, restaurants and cafes, except for takeaway.
In relation to Covid 19 rules in NSW outlined on the website and although not specifically listed below it is my understanding that in a broad sense services relating to the support of agriculture and vehicle repairs and maintenance can continue to be provided.
Retail premises are required to close except for:
- supermarkets and grocery stores;
- shops that predominantly sell food or drinks eg butchers, bakeries, fruit shops and delicatessens, but does not include restaurants or cafes;
- chemists and pharmacies;
- kiosks;
- shops that predominately sell office supplies, pet supplies, newspapers, magazines and stationery, alcohol, maternity and baby supplies, medical or pharmaceutical supplies;
- food and drink premises, but only to sell takeaway;
- cellar door premises, but only to sell takeaway;
- hardware and building supplies;
- landscaping material supplies;
- rural supplies;
- timber yards;
- garden centres and plant nurseries;
- vehicle hire premises, not including the premises at which vehicles are sold;
- shops that predominately carry out mobile phone repairs, and
- service stations, banks, post offices, laundromats and dry cleaners.
Anyone who leaves their home must carry a mask with them at all times.
They must be worn when working outdoors, by all school staff, by all people in outdoor markets, outdoor shopping strips, and in outdoor queues waiting for products such as coffee and food.
Every employer across NSW must require their employees to work from home unless it is not reasonably practicable to do so.
It is a reasonable excuse to leave your home for work – but only if it is not practicable to work from home.
As of Monday, small funerals and memorial services of 10 persons only (excluding the persons conducting the service) will be permitted.
The overriding message is Stay at Home.
Do not travel outside the Warren Shire Council Local Government Area unless you have an exemption.
Get tested if you have symptoms or have been to a venue of concern particularly in Dubbo over the notifiable period and then isolate immediately. Please call the Warren MPHS to book an appointment (telephone 02 6847 5400).
Get vaccinated.
Warren Shire Council has put a number of measures in place to protect our community during this time.
To align with the NSW Government’s Stay at Home Orders the following Council businesses are closed to the public:
- Warren Service NSW Agency;
- Warren Shire Office;
- Warren Shire Library;
- Warren Sporting and Cultural Centre;
- Warren Shire Depot;
- Playground equipment within our Parks and Gardens; and
- Warren Skate Park and Warren Splash Park.
Continuing to operate as usual are:
- Warren Ewenmar Waste Depot;
- Warren Garbage pick up;
- Warren Public Amenities (toilets);
- Outdoor Works Programs and Facilities Maintenance (water, sewerage, roads, parks and facilities); and
- Council’s Health and Building team including ranger services.
Although the Warren Shire Office is closed in order to minimise interpersonal contact, staff are available to answer calls and help you between 8.30 am - 5.00 pm.
We all hope that a short, sharp Stay at Home Order will be a circuit breaker in the spread of the very transmissible delta strain of the Covid-19 virus. Please do your bit not just for yourself but for your friends and family by abiding by the regulations.
Clr Milton Quigley