From The Mayor's Desk - 13 Sept
13 September 2021

It was gratifying to have the Stay-at-Home Public Health Order for the Warren Shire Council Local Government Area as well as some other parts of regional NSW lifted as of 12.01 am, Saturday 11th September 2021. It reflects our ability as a community to remain Covid-19 free for the duration of the order. Other neighbouring Council areas have not been as fortunate. Thank you all for being so vigilant in adhering to the rules during the Stay-at-Home period.
Now however is not the time for complacency. We need to continue to be vigilant and obey the relevant Public Heath Orders including wearing masks indoors and obeying the four square metre rule. To this end, you should enter the Local Government Areas that are still subject to Stay-at-Home Orders only if the travel is essential. These areas include but are not limited to the Dubbo, Narromine, Gilgandra and Bogan (Nyngan) Local Government Areas. It would be devastating for Covid-19 to emerge in our community now that we have gained a small respite in restrictions.
We have received the final confirmation from the Western NSW Local Health District that the Warren Second Dose ADF/WNSWLHD COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic on Thursday/Friday 16/17 September 2021 will be going ahead.
Relevant information is as follows:
- Location will be the Warren Sporting and Cultural Centre, Udora Road, Warren;
- Will be for returnees from the first clinic held on the 23-24 August 2021 only;
- Will only be for persons who received the Pfizer vaccination on the 23-24 August 2021;
- It will not be for persons who received the AstraZenca vaccination at the last clinic; and
- Text messages will be sent to all attendees who received the Pfizer vaccination, giving details of the appropriate time to attend this second clinic (attendees have started to receive these text messages).
The completion of this round of second doses will further limit the potential for Covid-19 to occur in our community.
I urge anyone who has not been vaccinated to do so not only for their own well-being but for the well-being and safety of their family, friends and indeed the whole shire community. Vaccination appointments can be made by contacting the Warren Family Medical Centre (RaRMS Health) on 02 68474326 or the Warren Pharmacy on 02 68474154.
Please get tested if you have any symptoms that are potentially Covid-19 related. Covid Testing at the Warren Multi-Purpose Health Service will continue to be available. Appointment times are Monday to Friday between 2.00 pm and 3.00 pm. Please telephone ahead on 02 6847 5400 for an appointment.
With the lifting of the Stay-at-Home Orders Council is able to resume some face-to-face services and in-person operations. Full details are available on Council’s website and Facebook page.
Clr Milton Quigley