From the Mayor's Desk - 2 March 2020
01 March 2021

Those of you who have visited the Showground / Racecourse recently will have noticed work on the early stages of the replacement of the Ron McCalman Pavilion. This project is being undertaken entirely by the P and A Association and has no Council involvement beyond the normal regulatory requirements associated with a new building. The P and A Association were successful in obtaining a grant with which they chose to build an enhanced facility with a small office and kitchenette. Council’s only stipulation is that the building and associated works be completed well before the Warren Show and that the building continues to be known as the Ron McCalman Pavilion.
Elsewhere at the Showground / Racecourse work continues on the sand surface under the 80 metre by 42 metre covered Equestrian Arena.This work is being carried out by Warren Shire Council.
The Far West Academy of Sport made use of our facilities again last weekend with Rugby League programs for both boys and girls.
On Friday, the Interim General Manager, Stephen Glen and I will travel to Sydney for a meeting of the Country Mayors. It promises to be an informative meeting with an address from Brad Hazzard, the Minister for Health. It will be interesting to note what reference he makes to the Upper House Inquiry into Rural Health. Council has made a submission to that Inquiry on the community’s behalf.
At the meeting of the Orana Joint Organisation of Councils, which I attended last Wednesday, in a presentation from the CEO of the Western NSW Local Health District, Scott McLaughlin, there was a recognition that the core of any health service in towns our size was the provision of GP services. The WNSWLHD are working and planning to this end. It was heartening that the Health District’s plans align with our community expectations. The point was made however that only 10 per cent of health outcomes are influenced by the direct provision of healthcare services. Behavioural and lifestyle factors, genetics and social and environmental factors contribute 90 per cent to the degree of health we experience at a personal level. Resultantly there is much to be said for adopting a healthy lifestyle.
Clr Milton Quigley