Council News - October 2022
08 November 2022
Our latest edition of Council News is now available.
From the Mayor's Desk - October Council News
Ongoing flooding continues to keep us on our toes, with the Macquarie River remaining steady above the major flood level. Council is monitoring the situation and will keep residents informed of the latest advice, flood and road condition updates.
This month we also said thank you and farewell to a dear colleague and friend, with Divisional Manager Finance and Administration, Darren Arthur, officially retiring after 29 years of service and dedication to our community.
As we near closer to the end of the year, preparations for the Warren Street Christmas Party are well and truly underway. With a number of local stalls, entertainment and activities available, we look forward to coming together to celebrate the end of another busy year.
Furthermore, it's again time to recognise the unsung heroes in our community by nominating them for a 2023 Australia Day Award. This ceremony is always a great opportunity to kick off the new year by celebrating the outstanding achievements and contributions of citizens in our Shire.
Clr Milton Quigley
Read all the latest news: Council News October
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