Council News - October 2021
03 November 2021
Our latest edition of Council News is now available.
Council Comment - October Council News
In line with the regulated period for the 2021 Local Government Elections, which commenced at 6.00pm on 25 October, the ‘From the Mayor’s Desk’ from Milton Quigley will now be replaced with ‘Council Comment’ - a temporary column from General Manager, Gary Woodman, to keep the community informed. The regulated period remains in place until the Local Government Elections, which will be held on Saturday, 4 December 2021.
With some major art projects underway across the Shire (more about these below), Council is looking for community members to fill the three vacant positions on the Warren Public Arts Committee. Hurry, nominations in writing close tomorrow (Thursday, 4 November) at 4.00pm.
Council considered the Audited Financial Statements for the Year Ending 30 June 2021 at the October Council Meeting and am pleased to report that Council received an unqualified Audit Report from the NSW Auditor General on 7 October 2021.
Finally, as we head into November, a reminder that the Remembrance Day Ceremony will be held in Macquarie Park from 10.45am for 11.00am on Thursday, 11 November – a chance for the community to come together to remember those who have served our country.
Gary Woodman
Read all the latest news: Council News October
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