Council News - May 2021
02 June 2021
Our latest edition of Council News is now available.
From the Mayor's Desk - May Council News
It’s been a month of celebrating our community starting with ANZAC services in Collie and Warren and most recently the 141st Warren Show (read more about both below). May also saw the very first Warren Chamber Music Festival which was a stellar event over three days. It is wonderful to see the community come together at events like these and create such a strong sense of pride.
Advocating for better access to health services continues to remain a priority for Council, with Councillor Druce and I presenting at the Inquiry into Health Outcomes and Access to Health and Hospital Services in Rural, Regional and Remote NSW. Council in consultation with the Warren Heath Action Committee (WHAC), identified five areas of concern regarding the provision of health services in Warren:
1. Provision of GP services;
2. Recruitment, training and upskilling of health staff particularly in relation to the Multi-Purpose Service;
3. Aged Care, including the need for a Dementia Specific Unit;
4. Community education and information relating to the range of Allied Health Services available in Warren; and
5. More consistent delivery and accessibility to Allied Health Services.
We will continue our work in this area to push for better health outcomes for our community.
We are also continuing with a number of infrastructure upgrades across the Shire and Our Region NSW have recently featured films of both the Airport upgrade and the new Water Park – watch these on the WSC Facebook page. We are grateful for the NSW Government's assistance in funding both these important projects for our Warren Shire community.
Clr Milton Quigley
Read all the latest news: Council News May 2021
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