Council News - February 2022
03 March 2022
Our latest edition of Council News is now available.
From the Mayor's Desk - February Council News
February was a full month of committee meetings for Council, with Councillors being elected to vacant Chairperson positions. The meetings provided thorough updates on a vast number of initiatives happening across the Shire – from infrastructure upgrades to public art.
While on public art, I’m pleased to share that the concept designs for the Nevertire Water Reservoir mural and Public Art on Private Property murals are in the final stages and will go to public exhibition for your feedback throughout March. Keep an eye on Council’s website or Facebook page for more details.
I hope to see many of you across the Shire for Clean up Australia Day on Sunday, 6 March. If you would like to get involved, register at or call 1800 282 329, then pick up your bags from the Warren Shire Council Administration Building.
One hour of your time can make a huge positive impact for our community.
Clr Milton Quigley
Read all the latest news: Council News February
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