Council Meeting Highlights - September 2023
28 September 2023
Warren Shire Highlights: September 2023
Warren Shire’s Ordinary Council Meeting was held on Thursday 28 September 2023. Highlights from this meeting included:
In accordance with the Local Government Act 1993, Councillor Milton Quigley, has been re-elected unopposed as Mayor of Warren Shire for the 12-month period from September 2023 – September 2024.
Cr Quigley has been a Councillor with Warren Shire Council since 2004 and Mayor of Warren Shire since 2018.
Councillor Sarah Derrett has also been re-elected unopposed to the position of Deputy Mayor, following her original election to the role in January 2022. Cr Derrett has been a Councillor with Warren Shire Council since 2016.
The appropriate delegations of authority have been assigned to these positions.
Warren Shire Council has adopted a new organisational structure, in accordance with updated organisational priorities and a reshuffling of internal responsibilities. The new structure is now under effect and sits as follows:
A new Council Meeting Schedule has been adopted for Warren Shire Council for the period October 2023 – September 2024. Council meetings will continue to be held on the fourth Thursday of every month, with the exception of November, which is replaced by a meeting on the first Thursday in December.
It is also noted that during this schedule, ANZAC Day falls on the fourth Thursday of April, so Council’s April meeting will be held on Wednesday 24 April 2024. The September 2024 Council Meeting will be the first meeting of the new Council, following local government elections set to be held across NSW earlier in the month.
The schedule of Council Meetings is as follows:
Council meetings will commence at 8.30am on their nominated date.
Warren Shire Council has accepted a quotation from Precinct Commercial Pty Ltd for concrete footpath and miscellaneous pavement works at Carter Oval Youth Sports Precinct to the value of $179,555.50.
Works consist of a 460m long concrete pathway surrounding the cricket oval (including six seating base concrete pads and provision for vehicular crossings at six locations), junior cricket pitch, cricket practice net base, discus throw base, shotput throw base and long lump pit surrounds.
Costs associated with the scope of works have already been allocated from the Infrastructure Improvements Reserve and reallocated Murray-Darling Basin Economic Development Program – Improvement of Regional Structures Grant.
Consultation for feedback on the Masterplan for Stage 2 of the Warren CBD upgrade has concluded, with a number of submissions received.
Warren Shire Council is now determining an estimated cost for the complete project, in conjunction with feedback and negotiated positions for land purchases and will report back to a Closed Council Meeting.
Council is seeking grant funding to undertake this extensive 10-year upgrade project and has so far provided Transport for NSW (TfNSW) with cost estimates for design of the roundabout central island.
Warren Shire Council has given in principle support to the proposed rezoning of the land known as ‘Gunnegaldra,’ located approximately 6kms from Warren Town on the Gunningbar Creek.
The proponent has requested a land swap, by returning land that is cultivated and zoned as R5 Large Lot Residential to RU1 Agricultural and then extending the R5 Large Lot Residential along the Gunningbar Creek, to include the existing dwelling.
It is noted that the land swap is more conducive to the current land use and will not create a land use conflict. Although it is not known how many allotments would be proposed within the rezoned area, there exists a demand for such lifestyle blocks.
The proponent will amalgamate farmland to ensure that the Gunnegaldra Farm does not lose a dwelling entitlement as a result of the rezoning. This would meet the objectives of LEP 2012, as its intention is to keep farms as farms.
It is further noted that the proponent will need to consult with a number of other government agencies to demonstrate that the rezoning satisfies each department’s requirements.
Oxley Park Reservoir has been emptied and cleaned this month due to significant silt build up that was impacting water pressure in the river water systems.
Works were carried out in mid-September over the course of one week, prior to pressure cleaning and a thorough inspection of the reservoir to help prevent future water pressure issues.
The reservoir was returned to service on Wednesday 27 September 2023.
Major works are progressing on the Carter Oval Youth Sporting Precinct, Warren Showground / Racecourse Upgrade and Warren Airport Upgrade, with all works scheduled for completion in 2023/2024.
Current project and other works updates include:
- Progress is being made on the new Showground/Racecourse amenities, with demolition of the existing structure, new plumbing, sub-soil drainage and pouring of the concrete slab all completed. The new facility will be constructed by Ryan Mason Engineering and Adam Mayne.
- Additional information is being sought from the preferred quoter for refencing the Showground perimeter with 2.1m high exclusion fencing, with quotation evaluation progressing. Racing NSW is currently determining an accurate amount of financial support required, with Council considering options to seek additional grant funding from the Crown Reserve Improvement Fund (CRIF), when available.
- Quotes have been called for concrete pathways, cricket pitch and practice net base at the Carter Oval Youth Sporting Precinct, with fencing of the switchboard and pump station scheduled for completion by the end of this month. A fertilising and maintenance program is also being undertaken for wicket turf during the spring season.
- Following issues with design and installation of the amenities at the youth sporting precinct, Council’s contractor, Landmark, has engaged a new plumber and concreter to complete these works, with certified drawings issued to Council on 4 September 2023.
- An all-access amenities facility at the Warren Pony Club has been completed this month. This project has been made possible by the Crown Reserves Improvement Fund Program.
- The draft concept plan for upgrading of the amenities, change rooms, canteen and club room facilities at the Warren War Memorial Swimming Pool has been delivered and reviewed this month, with the final version expected in October. Funded under the NSW Government’s Stronger Country Communities Fund Round 5, this project is scheduled to commence construction in April 2024.
- Council’s contractor, Barnson, has this month delivered the latest concept plan for female-friendly amenities at the Victoria Park Precinct. Review comments have been provided, with the final plan also expected in October. This project involves construction of a new amenities building including two separate changerooms and public access toilets to provide safe, equitable and accessible facilities for female participants within precinct.
Warren Shire Council’s new Development Application (DA) Conflict of Interest Policy will be placed on public exhibition for a period of 28 days, to comply with legislative requirements.
This Policy relates to the management of Council-related DA’s and is designed to ensure a transparent and equitable development application process, by which all Council DA’s must be publicly exhibited for a period of 28 days.
Anyone wishing to make a submission to Council regarding the new Policy is requested to do so within the 28-day exhibition period.
Warren Shire Council has authorised the General Manager to sign and execute an agreement with Service NSW to maintain the provision of this service to the community for a further three years.
The agreement will commence on 1 January 2024, with the option of a one-year extension, following its three-year term.
Council has had an Agency Agreement with the NSW Government for the provision of motor vehicle registration and licensing services for over 30 years.
Crews are continuing to make progress on damage repairs and standard maintenance works across the Shire. Recent works include shoulder grading, maintenance grading, floodway works, patching, slashing, guideposting, road spraying, guiderail works and signage works.
In addition, upcoming maintenance and rehabilitation works include:
- Warren Road, Bourbah Road, Pine Clump Soldiers Road, Catons Road and Mannix Road.
Read the full roads report on Council’s website.
Warren Shire Council will close its Administration Building, Service NSW Agency, Warren Shire Library and Works Depot at the close of business on Friday 22 December 2023 and reopen on Tuesday 2 January 2024.
The Ewenmar Waste Depot will be open during this period as per regular advertised times and closed only on Christmas Day (Monday 25 December 2023) and New Year’s Day (Monday 1 January 2024).
Council will maintain an on-call workforce and standard works around water and sewer treatment will be undertaken during this period. This closure will be broadly promoted to advise members of the community.
- The Ewenmar Waste Depot Committee heard that the fire break at the Depot has been completed in preparation for the upcoming fire season and a general inspection of the facility was undertaken.
- Council’s MANEX Meeting welcomed new Projects Officer, Md Muaz Murshed, to his role and received an update on the works that have been commenced as part of Council’s March 2021 Flood Storm and Damage claim. Council has received a time extension until March 2024 for these works to be completed.
MANEX further heard that Council will employ a new messaging service (Whispir) to contact local residents in the event of an emergency. The initial database will consist of Warren Shire ratepayers, with a sign-up campaign to be rolled out to encourage widespread use of the service.
Council’s Librarian advised she is seeking to set-up a temporary library service at the old tourist information centre in Burton Street, Warren, from 9 October 2023, while library renovations are underway. Further information on this temporary change will soon be promoted to the broader community.
- The meeting of Warren Interagency Support Services heard there has recently been 73 referral cases to Barnados requiring support with housing, food, counselling, forms and support letters, medication purchase, study, transport for child-related appointments, Energy Accounts Payment Assistance (EAPA), advice and community involvement.
It was also reported that the Driver Licensing Access Program (DLAP) delivered by Birrang Enterprises is scheduled for Warren between 3 January – 9 February 2024.
The Department of Regional NSW (DRNSW) is currently working with the Warren Youth Centre and Community Hub on funding for support staff, as well as developing a Business Directory for Warren Shire Council.
- The Alliance of Western Councils heard from the Minister for Regional Transport & Roads, The Hon Jenny Aitchison, about emerging challenges and efficiently addressing priorities, as well as hearing from the Director West, Transport for NSW, Allistair Lunn, about the state of the roads, and Brendan Guiney from the NSW Water Directorate about town water security and regional water utilities management.
- Sunday 1 October 2023: Nevertire Rodeo.
- Saturday 21 October 2023: Burrima Boardwalk Official Opening.
- Thursday 26 October 2023: October Council Meeting.
- Saturday 12 November 2023: Cotton Cup.
See a full list of upcoming events in Warren Shire on Council’s website.