Council Meeting Highlights - September 2021
27 September 2021
Warren Shire Council meets on the fourth Thursday of every month, with the exception of November, which is replaced with a meeting on the first Thursday of December.
All Council meetings are filmed and stored online. To view these proceedings please visit
Please find following a selection of highlights from this month’s meeting:
Outstanding Reports Checklist – Item 1
- Local Government Union Picnic Day
Due to the COVID-19 stay-at-home order, the Local Government Picnic Day has been postponed to Friday, 1 October 2021. Most services will not be affected except Service NSW that will not be available on this day.
- Victoria Oval and Oxley Park Plan of Management
Final schematic of Victoria Park, including transfer of sporting assets to Carter Oval, is complete and the Draft Plan of Management is now on public exhibition. Council is inviting community and stakeholder feedback until 4pm, Thursday 28 October. Submit feedback via:
Post: PO Box 6, Warren NSW 2824
In-Person: Written submissions can also be provided in-person to Council’s Administration Office at 115 Dubbo Street, Warren NSW 2824.
View the Draft Plan of Management here
View the proposed changes here
Infrastructure Progress Updates – Item 3
- Warren Airport Upgrade
Upgrades to the final works for Warren Airport have been delayed due to rainfall and the area holding water, with the contractor now scheduled to complete the remaining drainage works in October. In addition, quotations received for construction of the new terminal building were all above budget therefore a redesign of the concrete slab was required, and re-quoting of the construction and final re-costing are underway.
- Warren, Nevertire and Collie Village Enhancements
A works program is being rescoped for the $1.2M village enhancements for Warren, Nevertire and Collie. The works program currently does not include $395,800 for the reconstruction of the Warren roundabout that will be funded by Transport for NSW.
- Carter Oval Youth Sports Precinct including Warren War Memorial Swimming Pool
Upgrade works are progressing with initial pathways installed between sports areas, irrigation completed on Carter Oval, development of the soccer fields have commenced and construction of the Cricket field due to be completed by the end of September. In addition, the Little A’s, Cricket and Soccer storage facilities have been re-quoted, to be ordered by the end of September 2021.
The installation of four lighting towers and LED lights have been advertised on Tenderlink with the tender closing on 13 October. These works are funded through the Murray-Darling Basin Economic Development Program Round 3.
The Carter Oval Youth Sports Precinct including Warren War Memorial Swimming Pool Draft Masterplan is now on public exhibition. Council is inviting all interested community and stakeholders to submit feedback via:
Post: PO Box 6, Warren NSW 2824
In-Person: Written submissions can also be provided in-person to Council’s Administration Office at 115 Dubbo Street, Warren NSW 2824.
View full details on the Carter Oval Youth Sports Precinct including Warren War Memorial Swimming Pool Masterplan here
- Warren Showground/Racecourse Upgrade
Electrical facility upgrades funded through the NSW Showground Stimulus Program Phase 2 are complete with stage one switchboards at Showies Camping Area installed and Cattleman’s Camping Area electrical upgrades finalised.
The $841,500 of projects funded through the NSW Government’s Showground Stimulus Funding Program, Phase 2C are progressing with quotes obtained and preparations for works underway:
- Work to replace amenities in the Cattleman’s and Horse Sports Camping Area will commence in October 2021;
- Renovation to the men’s amenities in the Main Pavilion will commence in November 2021;
- Installation of a new septic tank for the Main Pavilion amenities will commence in September / October 2021;
- Renovations of the amenities in the Centre Arena are scheduled to be completed by the end of September 2021;
- Installation of a new septic tank with a grease trap for the canteen waste in the Centre Arena is scheduled to be completed by the end of September 2021;
- Work to renew all concrete and asphalt floors has commenced; and
- Quotes are currently being obtained from local suppliers and rural fencing contractors for refencing of the Showground perimeter.
In addition, rescoping of the Warren Showground Racecourse Complex Improvement Program is currently being developed to include accessible amenities and the replacement of doors and windows in the GBS Faulkiner Lounge, and refurbishment and painting of the Grandstand.
- Warren Shire Mural Program
The Warren Shire Mural Program, funded under the Murray-Darling Basin Economic Development Program Round 3, is underway. Final concept designs for the $100,000 funded Stafford Street Water Tower mural was communicated to the community throughout September. Final mural painting quotes have been finalised with artist James Middleton from Paint The Town Murals engaged and the mural is expected to be completed by the end of November 2021.
Community engagement has commenced for the Nevertire Water Tower mural, with Council inviting community and stakeholder design theme ideas until 4pm, Thursday 11 November 2021 by submitting feedback via:
Post: PO Box 6, Warren NSW 2824
In-Person: Written submissions can also be provided in-person to Council’s Administration Office at 115 Dubbo Street, Warren NSW 2824.
A community engagement plan is being finalised for the Warren Public Art on Private Property murals.
- Warren Sewerage Treatment Plant Upgrade
Despite delays due to wet weather, over 88% of the $6.15M Warren Sewerage Treatment project is now complete. Electricity supply commenced in September however due to lack of availability, a 100KVA transformer is expected to be installed in late October 2021.
Meeting Schedule until Council End of Term and initial New Council – Item 4
In line with the Local Government Elections to be held on 4 December, Council meetings will follow a revised schedule until the new Council is in place:
- 8.30am on Thursday, 28 October 2021
- 2.00pm on Thursday, 2 December 2021
- 8.30am on Tuesday, 11 January 2022.
Christmas Closure – Item 6
The Council Office, Service NSW Agency, Library and Works Depot will be closed for the Christmas period from close of business Friday, 24 December 2021 and re-opening on Tuesday, 4 January 2022.
Financial Assistance Grant – Item 5
Council has received $3,266,745.00 from the Local Government Grants Commission’s 2021/2022 Financial Grant allocation. This amount represents a 7.51% ($228,199.00) increase on the actual grant received for 2020/2021.
Further information and data on grants received over the last 10 years can be viewed on the WSC September Business Paper
Works Progress Report: Roads
Road works completed in September:
- Flood damage to Carinda Road – shoulder grading
- Thornton Road Intersection / Nevertire-Bogan Road – patching
- Flood damage to Quigley Carroll Road – maintenance grading
- Flood damage to Carinda Road – shoulder grading
- Flood damage to Cullemburrawang Road – maintenance grading
- Flood damage to Pigeonbah Road – maintenance grading
- Flood damage to Wonbobbie Road – maintenance grading
- Flood damage to Cathundral-Bogan Road – maintenance grading
Road maintenance and construction schedule for October and November:
Maintenance grade on the following roads in October:
- Cremorne Road
- Billybingbone Road
- Gradery Lane
Maintenance grade on Gibsons Way throughout October and November.
Construction on Ellengerah Road throughout October and November.
Maintenance grade on the following roads in November:
- Heatherbrae Road
- Elsinore Road
- Booka Road
- Hatton Road
- Mannix Road
Road maintenance works may be subject to change with any inclement weather.
All works listed are in addition to the regular maintenance, patching, edge repairs, slashing and mowing works carried out across all Council facilities.
Council has also received detailed traffic classifier reports for some Shire roads. To view these in full or for further details on current and future road works in Warren Shire view: WSC September Business Paper.
Works Progress Report: Town Services – Item 2
- Warren Lawn Cemetery upgrade
The new amenities facility is now open to the public between 6am to 6pm daily. Further upgrade work continues, with the extension of the river water main for the future lawn cemetery expansion to be finalised later in the year. The development of a Cemetery Masterplan is in progress.
- Nevertire Reservoir Refurbishment
The reservoir refurbishment continues, with the roof structure now removed, internal abrasive blasting underway, and external spot priming and topcoats applied. Community consultation has commenced for the reservoir’s mural and further community engagement will take place over the next month.
- Oxley Park River Water Pumping Station
Local business Ryan Manson Engineering is carrying out the fabrication and installation works and the new pumps have arrived. Due to the weather and river height, these works are now expected to be complete in October 2021.
- Warren and Nevertire Sewer
Quotation documents are currently being developed for CCTV and smoke testing of the sewer at Warren and Nevertire.
Works Progress Report – Item 2
A number of Warren Support Services (previously Community Builders Grant and Early Intervention Placement Prevention) Service Programs are underway, including:
- The Outback Arts’ Aboriginal Cultural Art, Ceramics and Mentoring;
- Warren Youth Support Group;
- Final designs complete and works program to be determined for the construction of the Waste Transfer Station at Ewenmar Waste Depot;
- Works program to be determined for completion of the Tiger Bay Wetlands Walkway, funded through the Central West Councils Environment and Waterways Alliance 2021 Small Grants;
- Targeted Early Intervention programs with the Warren Youth Support Group;
- Warren Central School’s Music Wellbeing Program; and
- Works programs underway for double access gates, and shelving and concreting to be complete at the Warren War Memorial Swimming Pool before the season opening on 2 October 2021.
Council has supported the public exhibition and adoption of three policies:
- Amendments to the Procurement and Disposal Policy to allow for timely, accurate and detailed reporting;
- Adoption of a Communications and Engagement Policy and Community Engagement Strategy to ensure a consistent and collaborative framework for community consultation; and
- Amendments to the Community Awareness – Activity Development Policy 2018 to ensure more effective and efficient processes and community consultation for proposed developments within residential zones.
Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Grants Phase 3
Council received $1,310,516 in funding through the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Grants Phase 3. $1,000,000 will be used for works on roads and Council are currently considering a number of community projects for the remaining $310,516.
Grant Applications
Council is preparing grant applications to the Regional Sports Facility Fund for the Warren War Memorial Swimming Pool amenities, kiosk and clubhouse; Carter Oval Youth Sports Precinct project; and Warren Sporting and Cultural Centre change room facilities.
A grant application is also in progress to the Murray-Darling Healthy Rivers Program for:
- Warren Sewerage Treatment Plant UV and Reed Bed Construction for Tiger Bay Wildlife Reserve;
- Lower Weir Reconstruction and Fish Passage Investigation and full design; and
- Warren Gross Pollutant Trap Installation.
Council’s Community Room Construction and Administration Refurbishment Official Opening
The official opening of Council’s new Community Room and Administration Refurbishment is scheduled for 2 December 2021, dependant on any COVID-19 restrictions.