Council Meeting Highlights: May 2024
31 May 2024

Warren Shire’s Ordinary Council Meeting was held on Thursday 23 May 2024. Highlights from this meeting included:
In accordance with the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021, Council has awarded a tender for the supply and delivery of eight electric submersible pumps to Q-Max Pumps, for the tendered price of $132,550, including GST.
To run the submersible pumps, Council has awarded JDC Thomson a tender to supply six diesel generators for the tendered price of $212,639.91, including GST.
During flooding events like those experienced in 2021 and 2022, the pumps will be installed at various locations around the Warren Levee to pump out stormwater.
Council’s renewed Risk Management Policy, new Risk Management Plan, and renewed Corporate Risk Register will be placed on public exhibition for a minimum of 28 days.
To view the draft documents and submit feedback, visit Council’s website.
Following calls for Expressions of Interest, Council has appointed a Chairperson and two Independent Members to Council’s Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC).
During consultation with Coonamble Shire Council, Gilgandra Shire Council and Lachlan Shire Council, it was found that these three Councils had appointed Mr Graeme Fleming PSM as their ARIC Chairperson.
As Mr Fleming is an experienced local government practitioner, contact was made to negotiate his interest in also becoming the Chairperson of the Warren Shire Council ARIC.
Subsequently, Mr Fleming has now been appointed as the Chairperson of the Warren Shire Council ARIC, and Mr Paul Smith and Mr Grahame Marchant have been appointed as the two Independent Members.
Council has approved that one interested Councillor will join the Town Services Manager, or an appropriate nominee, in attending the 2024 Local Government NSW Water Conference.
Held in Goulburn on 23, 24 and 25 July 2024, this annual conference presents the most current and relevant information from a local government perspective on water policy and regulation, water utility management, water security and quality, and service delivery.
Council is currently awaiting notification on the following grant applications:
- $825,000 under the Crown Reserves Improvement Fund Program 2023/24 to enable a Racecourse irrigation upgrade.
- $96,636 under the Crown Reserves Improvement Fund Program 2023/24 to enable a compliant, accessible concourse within the Showground / Racecourse complex.
- $361,364 under the Crown Reserves Improvement Fund Program 2023/24 to improve perimeter fencing around the Showground / Racecourse Complex encompassing the Racecourse, Showground, Equestrian Arena and Pony Club.
Heavy patching works on the Oxley Highway have now been completed under the Road Maintenance Council Contracts (RMCC), with Fulton Hogan applying the final seal to the patches.
Resealing works under the RMCC will also be completed shortly for the Resealing Program 2023-2024 on the Oxley Highway, covering a total of 16.975km of road.
Also under RMCC, the mixing and stabilization of the first kilometre of the Oxley Highway’s Milawa Project (Segment 250) has been completed. The entire project length is 3.65km.
Road works have now commenced on the Shire Road 58 Nevertire-Bogan Road reconstruction project, which will see 8km of road upgraded, widened and rehabilitated. Culvert widening has been completed.
Crack sealing on Warren Road, guard rail replacement on Carinda Road and Old Warren Road, and culvert renewal works on Marthaguy Road will also begin shortly. These works are expected to be completed by the end of June 2024.
Other routine maintenance works are also ongoing, including the grading of Gradgery Lane.
Major works are progressing on the Carter Oval Youth Sports Precinct, Warren Showground / Racecourse Upgrade and Warren Airport Upgrade, with all works scheduled for completion in the first half of 2024.
Current project and other works updates include:
- The Warren War Memorial Swimming Pool amenities works are progressing well. Earthworks for the club room and accessible changeroom have commenced, and concreting of all pier works are now complete. Concreting for the main slab extension for the club room and adult change room has also been completed.
- Despite recent wet weather delaying some outside works, including the installation of a new septic tank, Terminal Building Construction works for the Warren Airport Project continue to be programmed for completion by the end of June 2024.
- Tiling works at the new Carter Oval Youth Sports Precinct amenities building began in May 2024, with the full project forecast for completion at the end of August 2024. Waterproofing of wet areas and tile underlay screeding works are now progressing. Tiling is expected to start by mid-June 2024.
- As part of the Warren Showground / Racecourse Upgrade Project, works on the toilets are now complete. Construction of concrete pathways in front of the new amenities will commence in early June 2024.
- As part of the Victoria Park Female Friendly Amenities Construction project, the Sporting Facilities Committee has requested that specifications include opaque perspex screening instead of perforated mesh screening at the facility, to improve temperature control and deter ingress of insects. They have also requested that mechanical ventilation equipment is included within the changerooms. The tender will include a mandatory optional additional works schedule to address this requirement.
To ensure the community is aware of the timeframe for completion on the Carter Oval Youth Sports Precinct Kiosk and Amenities, the Committee also resolved that a final time Gant chart, including completion time, would be made public to the community. The contractor’s current program of works has a project handover on 31 August 2024.
- The Economic Development and Promotions Committee heard that the historical photographs at the Warren Visitor Information Centre (VIC) have been a huge drawcard with visiting tourists, and that up to 30 per cent of visitors are seeking a connection to Warren.
- The MANEX Committee heard that a Draft Extended Flexible Working Hours Agreement for road works teams and other associated staff has now been signed by the majority of road crew staff, with the General Manager to provide information to the United Services Union (USU). Recruitment also continues for a number of internal roles, including: Librarian, Team Leader Utilities Maintenance, Non-Trade Gardener, Light Plant Operator – Relief, Light Truck Driver – Water, Pavement Maintenance Team Leader, Light Plant Operator – Roller, Heavy Diesel Mechanic, and Flood Restoration and Special Projects Manager.
- The Warren Interagency Support Services meeting discussed issues with community transport between Warren and Nevertire, and it was resolved that a Council representative would speak to Transport for NSW on the issue.
A representative from Marathon Health confirmed that staffing levels are sufficient to accept more referrals to the service. Appointments are also available with the Mental Health nurse through the Royal Flying Doctors Service, which is free with a GP referral. Representatives from Banardos confirmed that they are currently working with 20 families in need, with a large number of additional referrals coming from families who require further assistance.
The Warren Youth Foundation representative outlined their planned school holiday activities, which include a motocross display, fishing day, arts and crafts, and a ping pong competition. A basketball course is also being offered, with 17 people set to attend.
The next Council Meeting will be held on Thursday 27 June 2024.
Gary Woodman
General Manager, Warren Shire Council
Ph: 02 6847 6600
Download a PDF version of the Council Meeting Highlights - May 2024