Council Meeting Highlights: June 2024
27 June 2024

Warren Shire’s Ordinary Council Meeting was held on Thursday 27 June 2024. Highlights from this meeting included:
Council’s General Manager, Mr Gary Woodman, will remain at the helm of Warren Shire Council after Council resolved to renew his appointment for a period of five years.
The decision to renew the appointment is a reflection of Mr Woodman’s steady and consistent leadership in the role.
As General Manager, Mr Woodman is responsible for the day-to-day operations of Council, as well as the implementation of the Council’s strategic plans and objectives, the delivery of services and infrastructure to the community, the financial management of the Council, and the management of Council staff.
After giving due consideration to all submissions lodged, Council has now adopted its 2024/2025 Operational Plan & Estimates, including amendments as detailed within the report.
During the exhibition period, the Draft 2024/2025 Operational Plan & Estimates was advertised in the Warren Star News and on Council’s website, Community Room display board, noticeboards, Council’s service counters, and on Council’s Facebook page, with written public submissions and comments invited until 4pm on Thursday 30 May 2024.
As part of this decision, Council has formally resolved to make and levy the rates and charges as detailed within the Statement of Revenue Policy – 2024/2025 (Statement of Rates), to enable the levying of the 2024/2025 Rates from July 2024.
Under Section 404 of the Local Government Act 1993, Council is required to work with its community to develop and adopt a four-year delivery program.
Council adopted its current Delivery Program for 2022/23 to 2025/2026 on the 23 June 2022.
To allow Council and the community to easily view the plan and see how Council is working to achieve the outcomes, a summary document of the current Delivery Program has now been developed.
Members of the community are invited to view this summary document on Council’s website, as part of the June 2024 Council Meeting Business Paper.
Under Section 239 of the Local Government Act 1993, the Local Government Renumeration Tribunal is required to determine the remuneration categories of Councils and Mayoral offices at least once every three years.
Council has resolved to adopt the full 3.75% increase as determined by the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal for 2024, making the Councillor fee $10,811.49 and the Mayoral fee $29,488.86 as of 1 July 2024.
This increase is affordable within the Draft Estimates for 2024/2025.
Council has endorsed the draft Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between Warren Shire Council and RiverSmart Australia Limited, which has been negotiated between both parties.
The MOA Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) covers the management, operations and maintenance of the facilities at the Window on the Wetlands Centre Precinct, and has been endorsed for the next two-year period, from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2026.
The variation to reallocate $176,815 from the SR58 Nevertire – Bogan Road Project to SR83 Rifle Range Road Intersections with the Ellengerah Road and Oxley Highway, has now been approved by the Australian Government’s Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communication and the Arts.
This work is now being programmed, with an application for an extension of time to June 2025 also having been approved.
Heavy patching works on the Oxley Highway have now been completed under the Road Maintenance Council Contracts (RMCC), with linemarking completed by Central West Linemarking.
Resealing works under the RMCC have also been completed for the Resealing Program 2023-2024 on the SH11 Oxley Highway. Linemarking is currently underway and is expected to be completed by the end of June 2024.
The mixing and stabilisation of the second kilometre of the Milawa Project (Segment 250) is underway and, weather permitting, will be sealed shortly. The entire project length is 3.65km.
Works as part of the Nevertire-Bogan Road Rehabilitation Project are currently on hold due to inclement weather, and will recommence as soon as possible.
Crack sealing on RR7515 Warren Road, guard rail replacement on RR333 Carinda Road and SR65 Old Warren Road, and culvert renewal works on RR202 Marthaguy Road, have been completed.
Council's Maintenance Grader works on SR23 Gradgery Lane have been completed, with crews now moving on to SR16 Notts Road, to complete the AGRN 960 flood works by the end of June 2024.
Major works are progressing on the Carter Oval Youth Sports Precinct, Warren Showground / Racecourse Upgrade and Warren Airport Upgrade.
- All major works on the Warren Airport Upgrade Project were completed in early June 2024, including the outside concrete pavement works and electrical installations, such as air conditioning units.
Landscaping works, top dressing and fencing installations will commence once contract works are finalised, with the full project programmed for completion by the end of June 2024.
- Final works at the Carter Oval Youth Sports Precinct amenities building are also forging ahead, with the project forecast to be completed at the end of August 2024.
- At their meeting, the Airport Operations Committee recommended that the Draft Airport Operations Manual as amended be submitted to the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) for approval.
- Council’s Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC) has recommended that, following the adoption of Council’s Fraud and Corruption Policy and Framework, an Implementation Action Plan should be developed, with the Committee Work Plan to include a review of the progress of the actions to implement the Policy and Framework.
As part of this meeting, the Committee also recommended that Council’s ARIC Work Plan 2024/2025, and the Internal Auditor Strategic Audit Plan 2024/2025 – 2027/2028, be adopted.
- At the Water and Sewerage Committee meeting, it was recommended that Council approve the amended scope of works and complete the installation of a Farmbot monitoring and control system to the remaining water and sewerage assets.
The Committee also recommended that Council endorse the proposed water and sewerage infrastructure layout for the development of Gunningba Estate Stage 3.
- Gunningba Estate Stage 3 was also discussed at the Roads Committee meeting, where it was recommended that Council endorse the proposed roads layout for the development, subject to three conditions: that the cut and fill requirements match the topography of the land; that the cut and fill for the entirety of Stage 3 being checked against the design; and that the stormwater drainage lines be checked to determine if better locations and lines are warranted.
- The MANEX Committee heard that recruitment continues for a number of internal roles, including: Librarian, Team Leader Utilities Maintenance, Non-Trade Gardener, Light Plant Operator – Relief, Light Truck Driver – Water, Pavement Maintenance Team Leader, Light Plant Operator – Roller, and Heavy Diesel Mechanic.
Council’s General Manager and Divisional Manager Engineering Services also advised of their plans to meet with the CEO of Regional Development Australia - Orana, Ms Justine Campbell, to discuss the Designated Area Migration Assistance (DAMA) Occupation and Concession List. The meeting is scheduled to take place in early July 2024.
Council’s Librarian, Mrs Pamela Kelly, was formally thanked for her service to Council over the past 21 years and wished well in her retirement.
The next Council Meeting will be held on Thursday 25 July 2024.
- ENDS -
Gary Woodman
General Manager, Warren Shire Council
Ph: 02 6847 6600
Download a PDF of the Council Meeting Highlights - June 2024