Council Meeting Highlights - July 2023
28 July 2023
Warren Shire Highlights: July 2023
Warren Shire’s Ordinary Council Meeting was held on Thursday 27 July 2023. Highlights from this meeting included:
Following announcement of the closure of the National Australia Bank (NAB) branch in Warren Shire, Council has granted discretionary ability to the Mayor, General Manager and Divisional Manager Finance & Administration, to have the final say on whether Council will transfer its banking facilities to the Commonwealth Bank of Australia.
While this is currently the preferred option, this decision will be made with regard to the estimated costs and efficiencies gained to service the business functions of Council now and into the future.
The Commonwealth Bank retains a branch in Warren Shire and has made an advertised commitment to retain its local regional branches for at least another three years.
More information will be made available once a final decision has been made.
- The Airport Committee has recommended that Warren Shire Council enter negotiations with local contractor BRD Design and Construction Pty Ltd for construction of the new Warren Airport terminal building, under a reduced scope. As a tender has previously been submitted, this would negate the need for Council to readvertise for tenders for this project.
It is further recommended Council provides $550,340 from its infrastructure reserves to undertake all necessary work at the Warren Airport to complete this project to the required reduced scope.
- Council’s MANEX Committee heard that Council has received an extension until March 2024 for restoration works under its March 2021 Flood and Storm Damage Claim, with work commenced on various roads across the Shire.
MANEX further heard that kerb and gutter rectification works have kicked off in Dubbo Street this month, with full rehabilitation works to commence in early August, weather permitting. Minimal detours will be in place, with a complete Community Engagement Plan implemented.
- Council’s draft Work Health and Safety Policy has been amended to include undertaking risk management processes for psychosocial hazards and psychosocial health, in alignment with the Work Health and Safety Amendment Regulation 2022, with a recommendation for adoption by Council.
Warren Shire Council is actively recruiting volunteers for its Visitor Information Centre, due to changes in centre operations and an increase in visitation to the area. Council is hoping to have a full team of volunteers in place, prior to the Spring 2023 tourist season.
For anyone interested in volunteering at the Centre, please get in touch with Council’s Economic Development & Visitation Manager, Susan Balogh on 6847 6600 or visit
Work is nearing completion on a horse and campdraft themed mural for the new Showground/Racecourse amenities. Designed and painted by Paint the Town Murals, this artwork is the latest instalment in the Public Art on Private Property Series, funded under the Australian Government’s Murray Darling Basin Economic Development Round 3 program, with a $10,000 contribution from the Horse Committee. Three of the five panels are completed, with delivery anticipated by early August 2023.
Murals for the newly constructed Warren CBD and Lions Park amenities are also underway, with designs being curated by Signarama and the Warren Shire Public Arts Committee. Delivery of these works is expected between by late September 2023.
Public Exhibition for Warren Shire Council’s draft Economic Strategy and Action Plan has been extended until 4pm on Monday 31 July 2023.
The draft Plan has been developed in collaboration with the Warren Shire Council Economic Development and Promotions Committee, industry stakeholders and members of the Warren Shire community to progress, evaluate, monitor, and report on the progress of economic development opportunities for Warren Shire.
For more details visit Council’s website.
Upgrading of the amenities, change rooms, canteen, and club house facilities at the Warren Shire War Memorial Swimming Pool is progressing, with regional professional services firm, Barnson, engaged to develop a concept plan featuring two options for stakeholder review.
This project will replace the existing male and female amenities at the Pool with all access modern facilities including accessible and ambulant bathrooms. Replacement of the existing entry, office and kiosk, with the addition of a clubhouse room, will offer a modern, compliant, fit-for-purpose community sporting and recreational facility.
Funded under the NSW Government’s Stronger Country Communities Fund Round 5, this project is scheduled to commence construction in April 2024.
An additional two-option concept plan is also being developed by Barnson for construction of a new amenities building including two separate changerooms and public access toilets to provide safe, equitable and accessible facilities for female participants within the Victoria Park Precinct.
This upgrade is funded under the NSW Government’s Office of Sport - Female Friendly Community Sport Facilities and Lighting Upgrades Grant Program.
Major works are progressing on the Carter Oval Youth Sporting Precinct, Warren Showground / Racecourse Upgrade and Warren Airport Upgrade, with all works scheduled for completion in 2023.
Current project and other works updates include:
- Preliminary works for a retaining wall at the Ewenmar Waste Management Facility were completed earlier this month.
- Patches Asphalt will soon be progressing asphalting works on Dubbo Street (Stafford Street – Hale Street) and parts of Stafford Street.
- Installation of a dongle to enable online control of the irrigation system at the Warren Equestrian Arena occurred in July 2023.
- Construction of a new joint amenities facility at the Showground/Racecourse has commenced, with completion anticipated late next month.
- Request for Quotation (RFQ)’s to refence the Showground/Racecourse perimeter were called for in June 2023, with four (4) quotes received and additional information being sought on the preferred quote.
- All outstanding works for village enhancements at Warren, Nevertire and Collie are expected to be completed by December 2023.
Warren Shire Council has accepted the Expression of Interest from Mrs Pauline Serdity as the Community Representative on the Warren Public Arts Committee.
A position became available following the resignation of Ms Jodie Redman, with applications closing on Thursday 13 July 2023. Council thanks Mr Bruce Lynch for his nomination and recognise that both applicants would bring valuable input to the role.
Crews are continuing to make progress on damage repairs and standard maintenance works across the Shire. Recent works include construction and sealing, floodways clean up, grading, patching, signs and guide posting, bridge deck and guard rail works, floodworks, gravel resheeting and slashing.
In addition, upcoming maintenance and rehabilitation works include:
Marthaguy Road, Carinda Road, Oxley Highway, Warren Road, Pleasant View Lane, Pine Clump Soldiers Road, Booka Road and Billybingbone Road, Dubbo Street AC works and Dragon Cowal causeway.
Read the full Roads Report on Council's website.
- Saturday 29 – Sunday 30 July 2023: Warren Polocrosse Carnival
- Thursday 24 August 2023: Next Council Meeting.
See a full list of upcoming events in Warren Shire on Council’s website.