Council Meeting Highlights - December 2023
11 December 2023
Warren Shire Highlights: December 2023
Warren Shire’s Ordinary Council Meeting was held on Thursday 7 December 2023. Highlights from this meeting included:
A Delivery Program Progress Report has been presented to Warren Shire Council to inform Councillors and the community of the progress being undertaken toward meeting community goals.
Council is on track with the majority of program actions including advocating for improved health and education services, facilitating further tourism, investment and housing development and working with community organisations to secure grant funding for local events.
A copy of the Delivery Program can be found on Council’s website.
Warren Shire Council has been included in a successful consortium to create and implement a Regional Drought Resilience Program (RDRP), that will involve long-term strategies to improve baseline resilience to drought.
Clr Greg Whiteley and General Manager, Gary Woodman, have been nominated to participate in the RDRP process on behalf of Warren Shire Council, with Council’s Economic Development and Visitation Manager, Susie Balogh, as the staff contact and local information conduit.
Council has adopted the Regional Drought Resilience Project Plan provided by the Far Northwest Joint Organisation of Councils, with a community engagement process anticipated to commence in January 2024.
Warren Shire Council engaged consultants, Ward Planning, to complete a health check on the Warren Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and propose any necessary changes required within the Plan.
A Councillor Workshop was held on 18 October 2023 to discuss proposed changes and findings from the LEP Health Check and to set the direction for the proposed changes to the Warren LEP.
Council has approved 13 proposed changes to the Warren LEP including implementing agritourism amendments where relevant and advantageous to Warren Shire. This will now progress to a new Draft Warren LEP with full community consultation.
A final copy of Warren Shire Council’s 2022/2023 Annual Report was presented at the December 2023 Council meeting.
The Annual Report provides a comprehensive statement on Council’s performance over the past 12-month period and identifies Council’s achievements under the Warren Shire 2035 Community Strategic Plan and 4-year Delivery Program. It also describes how the organisation is governed and managed, including reporting on Council’s financial performance.
A copy of the Annual Report can be found on Council’s website.
Warren Shire Council has reallocated funding for several projects, following the success of further grants and changing community priorities. Projects reallocated funding include:
- Bitumen resealing of the Warren Walkways/Cycleways ($170,100) using the CAP-070 Community Assets Program;
- $170,100 in funding from the Local Roads & Community Infrastructure (LR&CI) Phase 4B Grant for the Warren Walkways/Cycleways Bitumen Resealing Project be reallocated to the SR62 Buddabadah Road Gravel Resheeting Project (subject to agreeance by the funding body);
- Replacement of the lighting at Victoria Oval to LED lighting at the estimated cost of $253,500 (ex. GST) using the now available ex 2023/2024 Shire Road Gravel Resheeting Funds amounting to $170,100 and an allocation of $83,400 from Council’s Infrastructure Improvement/Replacement Reserve.
Council is also thankful to have received a $10,000 funding contribution for the lighting project from the Warren Pumas Rugby Club.
Applications submitted to the Crown Reserves Improvement Fund Program 2023/24 by Warren Shire Council in November 2023 include:
- $825,000 to enable a racecourse irrigation upgrade to enhance sustainability by delivering water efficiency to optimise value and community enjoyment. This upgrade will also enhance Council's ability to work towards environmentally sustainable practices and eliminate manual handling issues for staff during watering activities.
- $96,636 to enable a compliant, accessible concourse within the Showground/ Racecourse complex, as currently the GBS Falkiner Lounge and Grandstand area does not have adequate disability access.
- $361,364 to improve perimeter fencing around the Showground/Racecourse Complex encompassing the Racecourse, Showground, Equestrian Arena, Pony Club and Country Horse Jump facilities to provide superior protection against potential kangaroo intrusion, therefore improving safety at the facility.
Council is currently awaiting notification on these grant applications.
Recent works have included rehabilitation and back grading on Warren Road, flood rehabilitation and shoulder work on Gibson Way, Christie Lane, and Billybingbone Road, edge repair on Collie-Trangie Road, patching on Carinda Road, Collie-Trangie Road and Oxley Highway (SH-11), fixing and picking up signs on Wambianna Road, Collie-Trangie Road, Carinda Road, Oxley Highway (SH-11) and escorting the patching truck on Oxley Highway.
For upcoming maintenance, rehabilitation and capital works in progress, read the full Road Report on Council’s website.
Major works are progressing on the Carter Oval Youth Sports Precinct, Warren Showground / Racecourse Upgrade and Warren Airport Upgrade, with all works scheduled for completion in 2023 or early 2024.
Current project and other works updates include:
- Foundation work on the new terminal building as part of the Warren Airport Upgrade commenced in October 2023 and is anticipated to be completed by May 2024.
- Work is progressing on the Modular Amenities Building at Carter Oval Youth Sports Precinct, with completion forecast for February 2024.
- All concrete pathways, including base concrete for the cricket practice nets at Carter Oval Youth Sports Precinct are expected to be completed late January 2024.
- Mural panels have been delivered for the new Showground / Racecourse amenities, with a proposed opening ceremony being considered for Friday 12 January 2024.
- Works have commenced on the Library Lobby Upgrade and Landscaping Works, with upgrade works anticipated for completion by early February 2024 and landscaping works to be complete in March 2024.
- Upgrade works are continuing at the Ewenmar Waste Depot, with completion anticipated by early 2024.
- A new amenities facility at Monkeygar Creek, Macquarie Marshes, was completed in October 2023, with construction of a bird viewing platform also underway and expected to be completed in early January 2024.
Warren Shire Council has granted approval to award the Regional Procurement Joint Group of Member Councils Contracts for the following services for a two-year period commencing 1 January 2024:
- Provision of Linemarking to ACT Linemarking, OZ Linemarking and Whiteline Road Services.
- Supply and Delivery of Bitumen Emulsion to Downer EDI Works Pty Ltd.
- Provision of Traffic Control to Maliyan Traffic Control Pty Ltd, D&D Traffic Management Pty Ltd, Watchout Traffic Control and Lack Group Traffic Pty Ltd.
- Supply and Delivery of Tyres to Tyres4U Pty Ltd.
- Provision of Surveying Services has been awarded as a Panel Source tender.
- Provision of Design Services has been awarded as a Panel Source tender.
- Warren’s Public Arts Committee has finalised completion of the CBD and Lions Park amenities’ murals, with a small public opening held at Lions Park on Thursday 7 December 2023.
Mural panels have also been delivered for the Warren Showground/Racecourse Mural, with panels to be installed once work on the new amenities building has been completed.
- The Economic Development and Promotions Committee has recommended funding for the Free Coffee for Visitors in Warren Shire program be allocated to the Visitor Information Centre for purchase of a coffee pod machine, small water urn and supplies, for free use by visitors at times when local cafés are not in operation.
The Committee also recommended that workshops be scheduled with current members of the Destination Macquarie Marshes Taskforce to progress the Draft Destination Macquarie Marshes Taskforce Action Plan. - Adjustments to the design of the Warren War Memorial Swimming Pool Amenities Upgrade were discussed by the Sporting Facilities Committee, with a design and construct tender called for on 28 November 2023 and closing on Tuesday 16 January 2024. A further report will be provided to the January 2024 Council Meeting.
The Committee is also taking on board community feedback regarding the design of new amenities for female participants at the Victoria Park precinct. - Warren Shire Council reported to the Local Emergency Management Committee that levee rehabilitation works should begin in the coming months. It is expected that the cleaning program of the river water mains currently underway will alleviate water pressure issues in Warren. A new water tank will be installed at Carter Oval to take pressure off the town water supply when irrigating the Carter Oval Youth Sports Precinct.
The Committee was also advised by the Multipurpose Health Service (MPHS) that the breast screen van is currently in Warren for six weeks from the beginning of December 2023. - Warren’s Roads Committee is requesting Warren Shire Council ask Transport for NSW to investigate if intersection slip lanes should be installed on both sides of the Australian Food and Fibre intersection on SH11 Oxley Highway.
The Committee further proposed the following Regional Emergency Road Repair Fund Works Program until 30 June 2027 be in principle as follows:
Road | Activity Type | Budget | |
Carinda Road | Shoulder Widening | $1,200,000 | |
Warren Road | Heavy Patching | $511,576 | |
Bullagreen Road | Shoulder Widening | $1,000,000 | |
Nevertire Bogan Road | Rehabilitation (Reseal) | $175,000 | |
Tottenham Road | Rehabilitation (Reseal) | $175,000 | |
Gillendoon Street | Heavy Patching | $125,000 | |
Cobb Lane | Heavy Patching | $100,000 | |
Stubbs, Burton and Zora Streets | Rehabilitation (Reseal) | $100,000 | |
Total | $3,386,576 |
- The Plant Committee recommended Warren Shire Council accept the Quarry Agreement with Neill Earthmoving, with amendments including a 3-year extension of the agreement.
- Warren’s Water and Sewer Committee recommended Council approve the following:
- $80,000 from the Water Fund for the installation of a river water irrigation storage tank at Bore Flat, to improve irrigation of Carter Oval Youth Sports Precinct and minimise interference with the Warren River water supply.
- $80,000 from the Water Fund for modifications to the pumping configuration at the Collie Bore Site; and
- $780,000 from the Sewer Fund for the construction of a third evaporation lagoon at the new Sewage Treatment Plant (STP).
- Following a presentation by Mr Phil Waterford, the Showground / Racecourse Committee has requested that Warren Shire Council provide in-principle support for Warren Shire to host the National Polocrosse Titles in 2028. In doing so, a sub-committee will be formed to determine whether the proposal to host this national event can be progressed.
- Friday 15 December 2023: Twilight Race Meeting.
- Saturday 16 December 2023: Warren Community Carols by Candlelight.
- Thursday 25 January 2024: Next Ordinary Council Meeting.
- Friday 26 January 2024: Australia Day Community Awards Ceremony.
See a full list of upcoming events in Warren Shire on Council’s website.
Download a PDF of the December 2023 Council Meeting Highlights