Council Meeting Highlights - August 2023
25 August 2023
Warren Shire Highlights: August 2023
Warren Shire’s Ordinary Council Meeting was held on Thursday 24 August 2023. Highlights from this meeting included:
Warren Shire Council has accepted a tender from Precinct Commercial Pty Ltd for upgrade works to the lobby area of the Warren Shire Library to the value of $169,035.
The works are part of a $315,723 grant received from the State Library of NSW to improve the main library entrance, with a particular emphasis on meeting the needs of people living with disability and people with prams.
At this stage, Council has declined any tenders submitted for landscaping works for this project and will enter negotiations with Precinct Commercial to carry out these works on a piece-by-piece basis.
This will occur following rescoping of the landscaping component of this grant-funded project to bring the whole project within budget, with the final rescoped landscape design to be presented to the Town Improvement Committee prior to implementation.
Read more on the Warren Shire Library upgrade on Council’s website.
Earlier this year, Prime Minister, The Hon. Anthony Albanese MP, announced a bring forward of 100 per cent ($3.106 billion) of the estimated 2023-24 Financial Assistance Grant payments in 2022–23, paying all states and territories on 26 June 2023.
For Warren Shire Council, this has resulted in an increase of $142,212 for 2023-24, in comparison to original budget estimates.
The Financial Assistance Grants consist of a general component and a roads component and can be spent by Councils according to local priorities, with the Australian Government contributing $67 billion under this program since 1974-75.
Following an announcement by the National Australia Bank (NAB) that it would be closing its branches in Warren, Gilgandra and Wellington in August 2023, a decision has been made by Warren Shire Council to move all banking services to the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA).
This move is based on several factors, including NAB not being negotiable to retaining a local presence, despite strong lobbying and advocacy by Council on behalf of the Warren Shire community.
Read more on Council’s website.
Following the development of a 10-year Draft Masterplan for the Warren CBD, a community engagement plan has been prepared for Stage 2 of the Warren CBD upgrade, with communications and engagement activities to encourage community feedback commencing later this month.
Warren Shire Council will determine an estimated cost for the complete project, in conjunction with feedback and negotiated positions for land purchases, and report back to a Closed Meeting of Council.
Warren Shire Council Mayor, Clr Milton Quigley, Deputy Mayor, Clr Sarah Derrett, and General Manager, Gary Woodman, attended the 2023 Western Division Councils of NSW Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Conference held in Cobar from 9-11 August 2023.
During their time at this event, Council’s representatives were able to positively network with NSW government ministers, opposition spokespersons, government department and agency senior staff and ministerial advisors and local State members.
This included a two-hour audience with the Minister for Local Government, The Hon. Ron Hoenig MP, which enabled discussions regarding insurance issues, emergency levee operations, roads and regional grant funding, RFS Red Fleet accounting, Burrendong Dam airspace usage for drought proofing and the Emergency Services Levy.
Other matters discussed with relevant individuals included funding for the Warren Roundabout reconstruction, improvement of rural and remote area health services and GP recruitment, recruitment of engineering positions, solar power usage to reduce operational costs, levee heights and insurance matters, NSW Reconstruction Authority Disaster Adaption Plans and Council responsibilities.
Major works are progressing on the Carter Oval Youth Sporting Precinct, Warren Showground / Racecourse Upgrade and Warren Airport Upgrade, with all works scheduled for completion in 2023.
Current project and other works updates include:
- Progress is being made on the new Showground/Racecourse amenities, with demolition of the existing structure, new plumbing, sub-soil drainage and pouring of the concrete slab all completed. The new facility will be constructed by Ryan Mason Engineering and Adam Mayne.
- Additional information is being sought from the preferred quoter for refencing the Showground perimeter with 2.1m high exclusion fencing, so that Racing NSW can determine an accurate amount of financial support required.
- The contract for construction of a new terminal building at Warren Airport was awarded to B & D Design & Construction Pty. Ltd. on 31 July 2023, with site clearance and earthworks taking place this month.
- Quotes have been called for concrete pathways, cricket pitch and practice net base at the Carter Oval Youth Sporting Precinct.
- An all-access amenities facility at the Warren Pony Club is expected to be completed later this month. This project has been made possible by the Crown Reserves Improvement Fund Program.
- With all three cross connections for groundwater augmentation complete and tested, installation of new chlorination equipment is scheduled for completion and commissioning by late August 2023. This critical drought initiative is administered by the NSW Department Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE)’s Safe and Secure Program.
- The draft concept plan for upgrading of the amenities, change rooms, canteen and club room facilities at the Warren War Memorial Swimming Pool is expected to be delivered in late August 2023. Funded under the NSW Government’s Stronger Country Communities Fund Round 5, this project is scheduled to commence construction in April 2024.
- An RFQ for construction of new rows M, N, O, P & Q at the Warren Lawn Cemetery (as part of Stage 3 Upgrade Works) will close on 31 August 2023.
The Warren Youth Foundation and Warren Youth Support Group recently held its Annual General Meeting (AGM), with both services being recognised for their valuable contribution to the health and wellbeing of young people in Warren Shire.
Warren Shire Council has been working closely with the Warren Youth Support Group for some time, with the group being active recipients of Targeted Early Intervention funding, which Council manages under a service agreement.
Council has also utilised the group’s workforce, with activities including picking up windblown litter at the Ewenmar Waste Facility and recently, assisting with water meter readings. Find out more on Facebook.
Various infrastructure improvement projects have continued across our Shire this month, including reconstruction works on Marthaguy Road, rehabilitation works on Warren Road (Segments 28, 30, 32), construction of a concrete causeway at the Dragon Cowal on Merrigal Road and asphalt re-sheeting in Dubbo and Stafford Streets, Warren.
Council appreciates the patience and cooperation of all residents and road users while these essential infrastructure upgrades are completed.
Read the full roads report on Council’s website.
- Discussion was held by the Sporting Facilities Committee regarding replacement of the main oval lights at Victoria Park Precinct. A changeover to LED lighting at Victoria Park is estimated to be more than $265,000, with investigations commencing into grant funding to enable this to occur.
- Photographic mural wraps for the newly constructed Warren CBD and Lions Park amenities are being curated by Signarama, with the Public Arts Committee anticipating these to be completed by late September 2023. This is also the anticipated completion date for the camp draft mural at the new Showground/Racecourse amenities.
- The Warren Local Emergency Management Committee heard from Council regarding the levee rehabilitation works being undertaken including flood gate replacement and installation of six diesel powered automatic pumps, as well as the major road reconstruction works that have occurred, including along Dubbo Street, Warren.
All local emergency organisations are invited to attend a Council Safety Training Day, held on Wednesday 13 September 2023 from 8.30am. The event will feature guest speaker, Patrizia Cassaniti, Director and Founder of the Touched by Christopher Foundation, whose son died due to a workplace accident. All Council staff and contractors will attend the event.
- The Roads Committee has recommended the Draft Road Safety Plan be adopted by Council, with a major safety issue in Warren Shire at present being the drop-off and worn edges on several sealed roads. It’s recommended this be rectified using shire and regional road budgets available with increased works on flood damage programs.
- The Plant Committee recommended Council accept the tender from WesTrac Pty Ltd for the supply and delivery of two Caterpillar CW34 Multi-tyred rollers to the value of $458,056.98 plus GST.
- The Showground/Racecourse Committee has requested Mr Phil Waterford to present his complete draft proposal for Warren Shire to host the 2028 National Polocrosse Championships to the next committee meeting.
- Friday 1 – Sunday 3 September 2023: Warren Camp Draft.
- Wednesday 13 September 2023: Council Safety Day.
- Thursday 28 September 2023: Next Council Meeting.
- Sunday 1 October 2023: Nevertire Rodeo.
- Saturday 12 November 2023: Cotton Cup.
See a full list of upcoming events in Warren Shire on Council’s website.