Council Meeting Highlights: April 2024
29 April 2024

Warren Shire’s Ordinary Council Meeting was held on Wednesday 24 April 2024, due to the ANZAC Day Public Holiday on Thursday 25 April 2024. Highlights from this meeting included:
Subject to a favourable Financial Assessment, Warren Shire Council has accepted a tender from Precision Civil Infrastructure for the value of $868,888.16 (inc. GST) for the replacement of flood gates on the Warren town flood levee.
The replacement of the flood gates is part of the $7.1M Warren levee rehabilitation, funded by the National Flood Mitigation Infrastructure Program, NSW State Government, and the NSW Office of Local Government.
Additionally, Council has accepted a tender from Play Park to the value of $269,493.15 (inc. GST) for the supply and installation of rubber wet pour surfacing at Macquarie Park Playground and Flying Fox, Ravenswood Playground, and the Splash Park.
The tender was chosen as the preferred option for the project as it includes the supply and installation of a 165m² full reinforced concrete slab with fall towards the splash pad. This will allow any excess water to run back into the Splash Park and reduce the amount of water running onto the grassed area.
The Draft 2024/2025 Operational Plan, in conjunction with the Draft 2024/2025 Estimates, is now on public exhibition until 4pm, Thursday 30 May 2024.
2024/2025 is anticipated to be an extremely busy year in Warren Shire, with a great deal of capital improvement works scheduled, including a large flood restoration program of up to $11M on Council’s road network over the next two years.
Council’s Draft Fraud and Corruption Policy and Fraud and Corruption Framework 2024 are also on public exhibition.
To view the draft documents and submit feedback, visit Council’s website.
Council is currently awaiting notification on the following grant applications:
- $825,000 under the Crown Reserves Improvement Fund Program 2023/24 to enable a Racecourse irrigation upgrade.
- $96,636 under the Crown Reserves Improvement Fund Program 2023/24 to enable a compliant, accessible concourse within the Showground / Racecourse complex.
- $361,364 under the Crown Reserves Improvement Fund Program 2023/24 to improve perimeter fencing around the Showground / Racecourse Complex encompassing the Racecourse, Showground, Equestrian Arena, Pony Club and Country Horse Jump facilities.
- $42,500 for the ‘Warren’s Women of the Future’ event, under Women NSW’s Investing in Women Funding Program.
Council’s road crews have completed the bulk of the March 2021 flood damage works under AGRN 960 EPA RW.
Last month, crews also completed works on Killaloo Lane, Notts Lane and Billybingbone Road, and carried out maintenance work on Tabratong Lane and Carinda Road.
In addition, crews have continued with heavy patching work on Oxley Highway under the Road Maintenance Council Contract (RMCC).
A reasonable quantity of slashing has also been completed on Bullagreen Road, Marthaguy Road, Warren Road, Tottenham Road, Nevertire-Bogan Road and Thornton Lane, despite the limited human resources available.
Next month, crews will commence work on Nevertire-Bogan Road. This involves rehabilitation of the section between Heatherbrae Road and Cremorne Road, and as part of the work, there will also be realignment of the road, especially in proximity to the two irrigation channels.
Crews will also commence rehabilitation of the Oxley Highway section near Milawa, while Council’s bitumen sealing contractor will reseal parts of the Oxley Highway, including the section through Warren.
Other upcoming works will involve grading various unsealed roads, including Ringorah Road. Slashing will also continue where possible.
Major works are progressing on the Carter Oval Youth Sports Precinct, Warren Showground / Racecourse Upgrade and Warren Airport Upgrade, with all works scheduled for completion in the first half of 2024.
Current project and other works updates include:
- Construction of concrete pathways in front of new amenities at the undercover betting area at the Warren Showground / Racecourse will commence in late April or early May 2024.
- The Warren War Memorial Swimming Pool amenities works are progressing, with asbestos removal works complete and demolition underway. Earthworks for the club room and accessible changeroom are also scheduled to commence shortly.
- Terminal Building Construction works for the Warren Airport Project are programmed for completion in May 2024.
- Tiling works at the new Carter Oval Youth Sports Precinct amenities building are scheduled to occur in May 2024, with the project forecast for completion at the end of July 2024.
- Following results from a community survey, the Ewenmar Waste Depot Committee has recommended that kerbside recycling services be placed on hold while investigations are undertaken into the feasibility of implementing a ‘Return and Earn’ facility, as well as other recycling services in conjunction with NetWaste and other organisations.
The Committee also recommended that a Rural Waste Depot Access Charge of $10 per assessment (total estimated revenue of $7,240) be introduced in the draft 2024 / 2025 Operational Plan and Estimates, to be commenced after 1 July 2024.
- During the MANEX Committee, Council’s Librarian provided an update on the official opening of the ‘Doorways to an Open Air Library’ project, which is scheduled to take place on Thursday 27 June 2024 at Warren Shire Library.
Meanwhile, the Economic Development and Visitation Manager advised that, on Monday 8 April 2024, 28 students from Warren Central School participated in a Leadership Summit facilitated by the Youth Leadership Academy Australia. Following positive feedback from the school, another Summit is proposed for Term 3, which will include speed sessions covering the different areas of Council’s workplace.
- The Alliance of Western Councils endorsed a position statement for the role of Executive Officer, with Narromine Shire Council conducting the Expression of Interest (EOI) process.
The position description and submission details can be found on the Narromine Shire Council website, and EOIs will close at 5pm on Friday 10 May 2024.
Gary Woodman
General Manager, Warren Shire Council
Ph: 02 6847 6600
Download a PDF version of the Council Meeting Highlights - April 2024