Council Meeting Highlights - April 2021
29 April 2021

Warren Shire Council meets on the fourth Thursday of every month, with the exception of November, which is replaced with a meeting on the first Thursday of December.
All council meetings are filmed and stored online. To view these proceedings please visit
Please find following a selection of highlights from this month’s meeting:
Outstanding Reports – Item 1
- Road Grants
To continue council’s program of infrastructure upgrades, applications have been submitted to Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW) Round 2 of the Fixing Local Roads program for funds to upgrade sections of Ellengerah Road, Old Warren Road and Nevertire Bogan Road. $698,771 in funding has been announced under the Australian Government Fixing Local Roads Round 2 for Ellengerah Road, with council contributing a further 25% of funding to the project.
Infrastructure Progress Updates – Item 3
- Warren War Memorial Swimming Pool Refurbishment
The final stage of this $764,000 infrastructure upgrade project was completed earlier this year, with the installation of backwash waste and rinse pipe works. A full project inspection was undertaken on 29 March to determine an Action Plan for formalising a handover and induction to the Pool Manager.
- Warren Airport Upgrades
The $2.28M Warren Airport Upgrade is in its final stages, with the upgrade of Runway 03/21 nearly complete including the resurfacing of taxiways and completion of the aircraft refuelling system. While the heavy rainfall in March caused severe damage and delays to the drainage works, the overall upgrade is progressing, with quotations currently underway for construction of a new terminal building.
- Warren Levee Rehabilitation
Council is seeking funding for this $6M project as soon as practical, with funding applications submitted to the Australian Government’s Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development & Communications. This project is on hold until the necessary funding can be obtained. Council has also consulted with representatives from the Commonwealth Government seeking financial assistance.
Warren, Nevertire & Collie Village enhancements
To enhance and bring more greenery to the shire villages, final rescoping for tree planting in streets and parks across Nevertire and Collie is underway.
Carter Oval Development
Consultation has commenced with the community and user groups to develop a new Draft Masterplan for the Carter Oval Sporting and Recreational Precinct including the Warren War Memorial Swimming Pool. A grant proposal for $400,000 has been submitted to the Murray-Darling Basin Economic Development Program (Round 3) to upgrade the lighting facilities at Carter Oval.
The Skate Park and Water Park are complete, with work now starting on the construction of a cricket field and development of soccer fields. Storage facilities for Little Athletics, cricket and soccer are due to be installed in May.
Warren Showground/Racecourse Upgrade
Work on the Showground/Racecourse is nearing completion, with the Equestrian Arena cover now fully constructed. The heavy rainfall in March caused delays to roof drainage works and led to excess water in the sand base, which is currently being investigated. Council is working closely with representatives from the Adult Riding Club to deliver a successful and quality handover.
Groundwater Augmentation
To deliver sustainable groundwater usage, a $1M augmentation project is currently underway with over 2400m of pipe laid, tank connections installed, and power now supplied to pumps. Manifold connectors have been installed for Bore Flat and Ellengerah and, once approved from the NSW Government’s Department Planning, Industry & Environment (DPIE), installation of chlorination equipment will commence.
Warren Sewerage Treatment Plant Upgrade
Despite March’s heavy rainfall which delayed the project by 2-3 weeks, work is progressing with over half the $6.1M Sewerage Treatment Plant upgrade now complete. A request has been sent to Infrastructure NSW for a contribution towards increased project costs due to a large amount of unsuitable material found on the site.
- Grant Applications
A number of grant applications have been submitted to the Murray-Darling Basin Economic Development Program (Round 3):
- $1M for Warren Showground/Racecourse Complex Improvement Program;
- $1M for Warren Shire Tourism, Business Development and Macquarie Marshes Signage and Shire Mural Program;
- $400,000 for the Carter Oval Lighting Project;
- $500,000 for the Monkeygar Creek Macquarie Marshes Bird Viewing Platform and Parking Project; and
- $900,000 for Bob Christensen Reserve Walkway and Improvement Project.
$90,000 was requested from the NSW ATP Cup Legacy Fund Grant; however, council has been advised only $12,000 of this grant was awarded. Due to the limited funding, the reconstruction of the Nevertire tennis courts may not be able to go ahead.
Murray Darling Association Delegate Appointment – Item 4
Councillor Mark Beach has been appointed as council’s delegate to the Murray Darling Association Inc. Warren Shire Council has been a longstanding member of the Murray Darling Association Inc. and Councillor Beach’s appointment will ensure council’s views are represented for the shire.
Works Progress Report: Finance & Administration Projects – Item 1
Upgrades to the council office are nearing completion, with a new community room available to hire for half and full day events. The refurbishment includes a new front service area and counter, new staff entry, and flooring and painting of the administration building.
2021/2022 Draft Operational Plan & Estimates – Item 4
Council will advertise the Draft 2021/2022 Operational Plan & Estimates to share council’s projects and priorities for the new financial year. The plan will be open for written public submissions and comment until 3pm on Wednesday, 26 May 2021. Detailed release to follow.
Warren Shire Library Operations – Item 5
Warren Shire Library is continuing to develop new and interesting ways to engage the community from local history workshops and collections, providing more access to e-learning resources, to bringing resources and activities to children through a community outreach program. Detailed release to follow.
Works Progress Report: Roads – Item 1
Council has a robust plan of road upgrades and maintenance scheduled. Major works include:
The $1.15M bridge and roadworks for Wonbobbie Road, Marthaguy Creek, are complete with line markings due to be applied by the end of June 2021.
The $800,000 rehabilitation of Collie-Trangie Road is in progress, with preliminary analysis works, surveys and designs underway.
The $712,400 Old Warren Road (Segment 22-24) and the $610,400 Nevertire Bogan rural road reconstructions are now in the final stages of having final bitumen seal surfaces applied, with line marking scheduled for May 2021.
Extensive survey work has been carried out around the intersection of Burton and Dubbo Streets as part of the proposed upgrades to improve traffic flow in Warren Town Centre. A report and concept plan will be proposed to a future council meeting.
For full details on current and future road works in Warren Shire view: WSC April Business Paper.
Works Progress Report: Town Services – Item 2
Warren Netball Courts
Funds from the Australian Government’s Drought Communities Program - Extension are being used to upgrade the netball courts including a new irrigation system and turf.
Warren Cemetery Stage 3
Council is developing a Warren Cemetery Masterplan for future lawn growth including upgrades to drainage, extension of the river water main and installation of an onsite sewer management system. A tender has been awarded to Modus Australia to install an access toilet at the cemetery in May.
Nevertire Reservoir Refurbishment
The project plan and tender process has commenced for the refurbishment of the Nevertire Reservoir. The $750,000 infrastructure upgrade will provide structural remediation works and repainting of both the internal and external surfaces to improve the reservoir.
Sewer Gravity Main CCTV
Council is developing a number of programs for sewer maintenance including:
- CCTV inspection and smoke testing of all gravity sewer mains in Warren and Nevertire;
- Sewer main replacement and relining;
- Stormwater infiltration rectification; and
- Education for property owners and residents about stormwater infiltration prevention.
State Highway Road Maintenance Council Contract – Item 4
Documentation is being prepared to demonstrate council’s willingness to sign Transport for NSW’s Road Maintenance Council Contracts relevant to the 70km of Oxley Highway located within the shire.
Works Progress Report: Health & Development Services - Item 2
Council is committed to supporting projects and grant applications through the Warren Support Services, previously the Community Builders Grant Prevention (EIPP), Service Programs. Between January and March 2021, council has supported the following local Warren Shire projects:
- Outback Arts’ Aboriginal Cultural Art, Ceramics and Mentoring;
- Warren Youth Support Group’s Basketball and Netball;
- Warren Youth Support Group’s Open Day Celebrations;
- Warren Central School’s Wellbeing Music; and
- Riversmart Canoes.
Warren Shire Council received minutes from council’s most recent Management Executive meeting (MANEX) with key actions including:
- ANZAC Day arrangements – Item 4.1.1
Council supported preparations for Sunday’s ANZAC Day commemorations, placing flag poles at the Cenotaph and providing traffic management plans for the ANZAC March. Councillors also attended an ANZAC Day service at Warren Central School on Thursday 22 April.
- 5-Year Rolling Works Programs – Item 4.3.3
Council will commence developing minimum five-year rolling works programs for critical infrastructure upgrades that will include improvements to a number of key sites such as the aerodrome, the levee, local roads, regional roads and traffic facilities, water reservoirs, sewer mains and stormwater, the cemetery, council houses, the sporting and cultural centre, the Showground/Racecourse complex, and parks and playground equipment.
- IPWEA 2021 NSW Local Roads Congress – Item 4.3.8
With the shire’s road network being council’s most major asset, General Manager, Mr Gary Woodman, Councillor Andrew Brewer and Divisional Manager Engineering Services, Mr Rolly Lawford, will attend the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia (IPWEA) 2021 NSW Local Roads Congress on 7 June 2021.
Orana Joint Organisation
Mayor, Clr Milton Quigley, attended the Orana Joint Organisation meeting along with council representatives from the Orana region.
Western NSW Dept Health Chief Executive, Scott McLachlan, and Dr Shannon Nott provided an update into the Inquiry into Rural Health noting the challenges with rural health and deficit in attracting and retaining health workers. To assist in overcoming these challenges, Charles Sturt University and Western Sydney University are working on a rural General Practitioner (GP) pipeline through a Joint Medical Program. Council will be advocating for better health support and access to doctors for Warren Shire.