Council Comment - 8 November
08 November 2021

There was another good turnout of community members at the consultation evening at Nevertire on Thursday concerning the soon to be commenced kerb and gutter and footpath replacement program in Nevertire. These works are funded through the Murray – Darling Basin Economic Development Improvement of Regional Structures Grant. Improvement works following the Village Enhancement Plans approved by Council through the Town Improvement Committee in 2018 will also be undertaken in Collie and Warren. So, lots of landscaping, irrigated gardens and trees, footpath replacement, drainage improvements, kerb and gutter repairs, parks and gardens improvements, street seats and rubbish bins, village entrance signage and refurbishment and replacement of public amenities to a value of $1.2 million will soon come to fruition.
Council's meeting on the 28th October 2021 was extremely busy with numerous reports and recommendations from Committees considered by Council.
Council adopted the Roads Committee recommendations to improve the section of Wilson Street between the intersection of Chester Street and the southern side of the Warren Levee with quality gravel to improve the road in wet weather. Funds were also allocated to improve the drainage and surface of Thomas Sullivan Crescent between Railway Parade and Colley Place near Silo Row. $92,767 has also been provided to replace the very poor sections of kerb and gutter in Orchard Street, Readford Street, Zora Street, Chester Street and Bundemar Street, Warren.
Council also adopted the Plant Committee recommendation to purchase a new Caterpillar 140 Motor Grader to replace one of its aging graders. The Plant Committee has also redeveloped the 2021/2022 Heavy Plant Program and Council has resolved to go ahead with the purchase of a new Bogie Drive Road Train Specification Prime Mover, a triaxle Road Train Dolly and two heavy duty bisalloy triaxle side tipping trailers.
The Plant Committee recommendation to purchase a further new front mounted mower, set up a better mower for the Village Crew and purchase another new rubber tyred roller was also adopted by Council.
The Sports Facilities Committee was also extremely busy in October 2021 with the Committee considering and recommending to Council the acceptance of the tender from REES Electrical, Sydney for the provision of Australian Manufactured Poles and Sylvania Schreder Raptor LED Lights to 500lux for the lighting of the cricket field at Carter Oval. This will provide the cricketers lighting to professional level at the newly developed cricket facilities at the location.
Council also adopted the Sports Facilities Committee recommendation to allocate just over $300,000 to provide sports lighting to the soccer fields that are also being developed at the Carter Oval Youth Sports Precinct.
The long-running problem of ingress of water at the front of the Warren Sporting and Cultural Centre will be addressed by the provision of $40,000 of funds from Council Restricted Reserves for Infrastructure Improvements/ Replacement for improvement of the roof and guttering at the facility.
Many important projects are starting to come to fruition such as the Warren Airport Upgrade, Warren CBD Amenities Facility and Lions Park Amenities Toilet.
Council has resolved to allocate $60,000 from the Restricted Reserves for Infrastructure Improvement/ Replacement to the Warren Airport Upgrading Project to allow completion of necessary drainage improvement works and the new terminal building. Most of this project has been funded by a $2.37 million grant through the Drought Stimulus Package from the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.
Over the last twelve months, Council has been applying for numerous grants to help fund both the Warren CBD Amenities Toilets and Lions Park Amenities Toilet. Council is hoping for success with these grants, however in the meantime to allow progression of these important priority projects of the Town Improvements Committee, Council has allocated from its Restricted Reserve for Infrastructure Improvement/ Replacement a further $140,000 for the Warren CBD Amenities Toilet in addition to the almost $130,000 that is available for the project. This will allow either a self-cleansing toilet facility or a high-quality facility that is suitable for the high use expected at the location.
The other priority project of the Town Improvement Committee has been the construction of the proposed Lions Park Amenities Toilet Facility. At a meeting in June 2021 the Warren Lions Club were able to confirm that they would be able to provide at least $16,000 from the Aubrey Dinsdale’s Bequeath to the Lions Club for the Lions Park Amenities Toilet Facility. This generous donation will be added to Aubrey Dinsdale’s $52,230 Bequeath to Council for the Lions Park Improvements, $24,500 from the Murray Darling Basin Economic Development – Improvement of Regional Structure Grant and $52,000 from Council’s Restricted Reserve for Infrastructure Improvement / Replacement to allow the construction of either a self-cleaning toilet facility or a higher quality manual single accessible cubical toilet facility. If Council is successful with any of the CBD Toilet Facility Grants, the Restricted Funds allocated will be able to be returned to Councils Infrastructure Improvement/ Replacement Fund for other works in the future.
Council Staff have been very busy arranging grant applications for future works with the following applications being submitted in October:
- $990,000 to the NSW Government’s Greater Cities and Regional Sports Facility Fund 2021/22 Round 2 for upgrades to the amenities, kiosk, office, and entry at the Warren War Memorial Swimming Pool;
- $350,000 to the NSW Government’s Greater Cities and Regional Sports Facility Fund 2021/22 for the construction of the Swimming Clubhouse at the Warren War Memorial Swimming Pool;
- $1,800,000 to the Australian Government’s Murray – Darling Healthy Rivers Program: Large Grants to upgrade the Bryan Egan Weir (Lower Warren Weir) to include the appropriate fish passage to be developed to “shovel ready” status;
- $504,000 to the Murray- Darling Healthy Rivers Program: Large Grants for work to be undertaken to ensure water supply to the Tiger Bay Wetlands. The project includes the installation of an Ultraviolet Disinfection System and pipeline for the new Sewerage Treatment Plant, and construction of a reed bed system at Tiger Bay Wetlands;
- $1,720,000 to the Murray – Darling Healthy Rivers Program – Large Grants Program for a Stormwater Quality Improvement project which includes the installation of 25 Stormwater Quality Improvement Devices at stormwater locations across Warren that impact Macquarie River and Gunningbar Creek.
The Stafford Street Water Tower Mural is starting to take shape. Council is hoping to have an official unveiling at 5.00pm Thursday 2nd December 2021. Artist Bastian Allfrey from Paint the Town Murals is working steadily on the goal of getting the mural complete. More on the unveiling as we get closer to the proposed date.
Community feedback and ideas regarding the Nevertire Water Reservoir Mural and the Public Art on Private Property Murals Project close at 4.00pm Thursday 11th November 2021, so get your ideas in quickly so they can be considered by the Warren Public Arts Committee.
Congratulations to Nevertire’s Kat Porter who won the Buy From The Bush’s Big Break People’s Choice Award to rebuild the previously rundown general store, at Nevertire, The Rural Trader, into a vibrant local store, Café and community hub. The prize should be a significant contribution to the major renovations that are underway to bring the store back to life.
Council has implemented a new Request for Quotation (RFQ) platform in partnership with VendorPanel with the new system used to seek local suppliers and invite them to quote on the provision of goods and services for Council. VendorPanel Marketplace is free for suppliers and once registered your business profile will be visible to buyers searching for the products/ services you provide. For more information on profile VendorPanel please visit the Warren Shire Council Website at
A Councillor Election is on for A Ward, B Ward, and D Ward on Saturday, 4th December 2021. Good luck to all the candidates. It is pleasing to have so many people wanting to be a voice for the community of Warren Shire.
Gary Woodman
General Manager