Council Comment - 28 November 2021
28 November 2021

Council has been increasingly concerned about the condition of the Warren Town Levee and riverbank of the Macquarie River just downstream of Lion’s Park. The riverbank and the levee at this location has been affected by the actions of river rises and falls during the drought, where bank erosion and collapse has started to affect the structure of the levee.
Council has been applying for funding to restore the damaged area but thus far has been unsuccessful in this pursuit.
Because of the expected high level of flow of the Macquarie River due to the recent rainfall above and below Burrendong Dam over the past few weeks, Council has sought to minimise the risk to the levee’s integrity by enacting its contingent Emergency Plan where approximately 800 tonne of minus 600mm sized rock from Mount Foster Quarry has been stockpiled, transported to Warren and will be placed by excavator in the affected areas of the Macquarie River beside the levee retaining wall. This is being done to reduce the chance of further collapse of the riverbank and to armour the location from further action of the water flow. The estimated cost of this Emergency Plan work amounts to $80,000. Council thanks Sam Farraway MLC for working with all the relevant NSW Government Departments to obtain this emergency grant for Council.
Council staff and organisations within the Warren Local Emergency Management Committee have also been preparing for an expected major flood level flow of the Macquarie River that probably will remain at a high level for sometime, while NSW Water reduces the water level in the Burrendong Dam Flood Mitigation Zone.
We have also put out a request for tractors, flood pumps and other equipment to allow the pumping out of the stormwater system in Warren in the event of rain once the levee floodgates are closed and stormwater can no longer flow back out into the river. I thank you for the loan of your equipment if you have been able to help Council.
To keep yourself as up to date on river levels, you may wish to monitor the following websites: and select Daily River Reports
The Bureau of Meteorology at 10.08 am on Sunday, 28th November 2021 in Flood Warning Number: 26 has advised the Macquarie River at Warren Town is expected to exceed the moderate flood level (8.50 m) during Sunday. The river level is likely to peak near 9.00 metres during Tuesday, with major flooding. Farmers and Graziers need to make sure that all relevant preparations are undertaken for a high level flood event within Warren Shire.
It is recommended that everyone download the Emergency Plus app to allow you to contact relevant agencies in an emergency.
Don’t forget to vote in the Warren Shire Local Government Elections on Saturday, 4th December 2021. If you are not able to cast your vote on Saturday, Pre-poll voting is being held at the Council Administration Centre, 115 Dubbo Street, Warren between 8.30 am to 4.30 pm up until Friday. Elections are being held for A Ward, B Ward and D Ward.
Don’t forget that Australia Day nominations are now open. For nomination forms please visit Council’s website
Gary Woodman
General Manager