Council Comment - 25 October
25 October 2021

Last week was the last “From the Mayor’s Desk” for the year from Mayor Milton Quigley, as the regulated period for the 2021 Local Government Elections commenced from 6.00pm Monday, 25 October 2021.
To keep the community informed this new temporary column “Council Comment” will be provided by Council’s General Manager, Gary Woodman.
Council is inviting the Nevertire Community to attend a community consultation evening at 5.30 pm Wednesday, 27th October 2021 in the Nevertire Park (pending weather) on ideas for the Nevertire Water Reservoir Mural.
There was a good roll-up of interested community members last week at the community consultation evening for feedback and ideas regarding the Public Art on Private Property Murals Project.
Feedback and ideas for both the Nevertire Water Reservoir Mural and the Public Art on Private Property Murals Project close at 4.00 pm Thursday, 11th November 2021.
Council is also looking for community members to fill the three (3) vacant positions on the Warren Public Arts Committee and nominations in writing will be received up until 4.00 pm Thursday, 4th November 2021.
The Local Government Elections will be held on Saturday, 4th December 2021. If you want to be a voice for the Warren Shire Community, become a Councillor. Nominations close at 12.00 pm (noon) Wednesday, 3rd November 2021. If you are interested come along to our Council Meeting at 8.30 am Thursday, 28th October 2021 and further information can be obtained from Council’s General Manager, Gary Woodman. There is not much time to nominate.
Council’s Town Services staff are busy preparing Warren to look good for the up and coming Cotton Cup Race Meeting on Sunday, 7th November 2021. Let’s hope that the Warren Jockey Club have a successful and well-attended race meeting. It might be time to dress up and look good and celebrate coming out of lockdown.
On Friday, 15th October 2021 Council’s Road Crews agreed to recommence the Extended Flexible Working Hours Agreement. All Council Road Crews have commenced working extended hours on maintaining and improving our road network. Currently construction work is being carried out on the Ellengerah Road and Old Warren Road, with both projects being funded by the NSW Government’s Fixing Local Roads Program and the Commonwealth Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program.
Gary Woodman
General Manager