Council Comment - 21 December 2021
21 December 2021

At the time of writing the Macquarie River at the Warren Town Gauge measured 7.17m, below minor flood level and very manageable. There has been plenty of flood water go through and around us over the past several weeks with some farmers still in trouble downstream of Warren.
I again thank everyone who supplied tractors and other equipment to allow the pumping out of the stormwater from inside Warren in the event of rainfall.
I thank the organisers of the Warren Youth Foundation Community Christmas Party and the Carols by Candlelight for putting on such positive and enjoyable events for the community of Warren Shire.
Importantly, congratulations to the 2021 Santa Street winner – Frawley Street. It is worth the drive to have a look at the displays in Frawley Street and others around Warren. The famous sign is up and displayed. Special mentions should go out to 10 Pittman Parade, 80 Chester Street, 82 Chester Street, 22 Garden Avenue who put on a wonderful individual display.
As your reading this comment, it is expected that the successful new Councillors for Warren Shire Council will have been declared. These new Councillors will start the year off early with the Councillor Induction Day on Wednesday, 5th January 2022. The first Meeting of the new Council is to be held on Tuesday, 11th January 2022 commencing at 8.30 am with many items of business including the election of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, Council Committee Councillor Membership and the appointment of Council Delegates to the many organisations that Warren Shire Council is involved with.
It was very pleasing to receive advice that Council has been successful in receiving $671,000 from the NSW Government’s Stronger Country Communities Fund Round Four Program for the construction of the Carter Oval Youth Sports Precinct Amenities and Canteen Facility. This project being part of the Carter Oval Youth Sports Precinct and Warren War Memorial Swimming Pool Master Plan inches the area closer to be a completed facility that will be a wonderful asset for the Warren Shire community.
I am looking forward to the Australia Day Celebrations at the Warren Sporting and Cultural Centre on Wednesday, 26th January 2022 that starts the day with a breakfast that commences at 8.30 am and the official ceremony starting at 10.00 am. Our Australia Day Ambassador is TV Presenter, Journalist and Author, Liz Deep-Jones. Liz has met and secured many high-profile interviews during her career and hopes to inspire young people to tap their imagination and share their stories to build confidence and a belief, that anything is possible. It will be a most interesting and entertaining Australia Day Ambassadorial address. All members of the Warren Shire community are invited.
Garbage collection over the Christmas and New Year break will be as normal. Most Council services will close at 4.30 pm Friday, 24th December 2021 and re-open in the morning Tuesday, 4th January 2022.
Please note that the Warren Ewenmar Waste Depot will be closed Christmas Day Saturday, 25th December 2021 and New Year’s Day Saturday, 1st January 2022.
For Council After Hours Emergencies, please call 02 6847 6600. Council will have a skeleton staff working in the water, sewer and parks sections who will be available for any required emergency work.
From the ongoing impacts of Covid-19 to extreme weather events, we have faced the year with such a strong community spirit. Together we quickly achieved one of the highest Covid-19 vaccinations rates in regional NSW and have supported each other through drought to floods. 2021 has shown our resilience and commitment to the Shire.
Returning to Warren Shire Council in early 2021 to take up the position of General Manager, I am proud to be part of a Council and community that has achieved such a huge amount.
We celebrated the advancement of many important community infrastructure projects, successfully advocated for vital road funding and delivered a number of major upgrades, despite challenging weather conditions throughout the year.
This will be my last ‘Council Comment’, hopefully passing the batten back to the newly elected Mayor in early 2022 for their column ‘From the Mayor’s Desk’.
On behalf of everyone here at Warren Shire Council, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a safe, happy and healthy Christmas season and I look forward to continuing our achievements together in 2022.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Gary Woodman
General Manager
21st December 2021